Page d'assistance WaihonaPedia

Check pages for mobile use

In summer, autumn 2023 we want to have 'check' on how well pages are suited for viewing on a mobile phone and on a tablet.

Through Google Analytics we learn that a large percentage of our visitors on our website use their mobile devices (Phone or tablet), especially when links are shared on Social platforms.

Thus it becomes important to optimise the page-types for use on mobile device:

The main goal is that it should btype the link labele clear to the user what a page is for... Scrolling will only happen if appetite for the page is good enough. 

We generally have a few page-types

  1. Navigation or index pages; these pages should act as  clear roadsigns for directions. We mainly use tiles and sometimes tables or lists. Therefore in Google Analytics they should result in next the fact that the user clicks on one of the items on the page to read more
    1. Entity Type: We have tried to organise information in different entity-types; Information, Experiences, Questions, Blog (news), Event-sub entities; (Approach, Citations, Speakers/Supporters, Program/Schedule, Looking back photo collages, Motivation/Explain, Sponsors, Tickets)
  2. ONE PAGE SITES (Homepage and Campaign page); these pages should be inviting to scan. They should not show too much text but generate a quick overview to get to the conclusion of the visitor (wha's in it for me). Therefore in Google Analytics they should result in next the fact that the user clicks on one of the items on the page to read more
  3. Information pages 


WaihonaPedia will actively try to discover the context of the visitor, in other words to which community do you belong
With this context it will try to filter the information shown

List of pages for the check

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