
a place to see, talk, learn and share !

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Extensive knowledge about Cornelia de Lange Syndrome is collected on this platform. Use the search function to access research, articles, and stories.

Need Help, New Here?

New here? Feeling overwhelmed? Start from the beginning, and we’ll guide you step by step through CDLS.



Understanding your child's condition is crucial! What is CdLS? How is it inherited? What are the best approaches? We provide all the information you need.

Experience stories

Discover and Share Stories

Welcome to the world of CdLS. It’s a long journey, sometimes dark and confusing, but often filled with joy and light. Writing helps to process.


Connect with Others

Meet others like you. We organize regular (online) meetups and have active Facebook groups for different regions and themes.

Ask the expert

Ask our experts

We all have questions on the care and wellbeing of our loved ones with CdLS. Search the questions others have asked before. No question is too big or too small to ask.

Our vision

The dream for our community

With the Cornelia de Lange World federation we have a dream. To share our dream with you in order to convince you to join us we made this video to show you what seeing, talking, learning and sharing is about.