CdLS-World instructions

This page is not UP-TO-DATE

Most of the page can still be used, but note that in 2015 significant changes to the site have been made

Instructions on how to use this website

Basic concepts

How to translate any information page
How to translate the World Conference pages...

Why should I register

How can moderators see the registrations

How can we tell more about ourselves

In CdLSWorld there is a huge collection of information available. And we update this information as frequent as required.
Hence it is important to be notified for changes, instead of researching the site for updates.
As a service you can keep a so-called watch list!
This list is personal to you; as soon a somebody updates a document in your list the website will send yo a notification.

If you modify a page or add a comment to a page the page is automatically added to your watch list.
But you can also add pages or a collection of pages (a Space).

How can people check their watchlist

Over de website-inhoud

Alle informatie die u hier vindt is ter informatie, geen medisch advies! De plaats voor het vinden van specifieke medische adviezen, diagnoses en de behandeling is uw arts. Gebruik van deze site is strikt op eigen risico. Als u vind dat iets onjuist is, verduidelijking behoeft, verbeterd kan worden, doe dan mee, meld uzelf aan op onze website en stel een verbetering voor. Mocht U dit liever per email doen dan kan dat ook!

Stuur een email: