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Main medical problems in


This dimension list the main medical problems in the rare disease that a emergency expert should be conscious of

order Título Delete
100 Statura parva - Small length, Short stature
105 Dystrophia fetalior - Slower growth
110 Microcephaly - Small head circumference
120 Problema alimentationis a longo tempore - Feeding problems
140 Tarditas developmentis - Intellectual disability, Developmental delay
150 Dysphasia - Language-speech development disorder
160 Automutilatio corporis - Self-Injurious Behaviour, Self-injury
170 Gastroesophageal reflux - Stomach acid reflux from stomach to oesophagus
180 Obstipation / Constipation - Blockage
190 Brachydactylie - Small hands, missing fingers to absent fingers
200 Auditus deficit - Hearing loss
205 Myopie - Nearsightedness
206 Hypermetropie - Far-sightedness
208 Blepharitis - Infection of the eyelids
210 Ptosis - Drooping eyelid
220 Cryptorchidism - Undescended testicles
250 Cutis marmorata, Hirsutism - Marbled skin, excessive hair growth
260 Motores Aetatis Tardae - Delayed gross motor development
270 Infantile axial hypotonia, Gait ataxia - Abnormally low muscle tone, poor muscle control that causes difficulty with walking and balance
280 Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) - Anxiety, agitation, repetitive behaviors, self-injurious behaviour, autism-like
289 Tachypnea - abnormally rapid breathing rate, Hyperbreathing
290 Apnea - Temporary cessation or pause in breathing
300 Aerophagia - Excessive and repetitive air swallowing
310 Reactio anormalis ad dolorem - Different way of reacting to pain
320 Pes Planus - flexible flat foot

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