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Cutis marmorata, Hirsutism - Marbled skin, excessive hair growth


"Cutis marmorata" refers to a condition in which the skin looks marbled, with a pattern of pink, purple or red spots resembling a marble texture. It usually occurs in infants and can be caused by a temporary constriction of blood vessels in the skin in response to cold temperatures. In most cases, cutis marmorata disappears on its own as the child gets older and the regulation of blood vessels improves.

"Hirsutism" refers to excessive hair growth in women in places where men usually have hair growth, such as the face, chest and abdomen. It can also refer to the presence of coarser and darker hair in normal hair locations. Hirsutism can be caused by increased levels of male hormones (androgens) in the body, which can lead to abnormal hair growth. It can have several causes, including polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), certain medications, conditions of the adrenal glands or genetic factors.

It is important to note that cutis marmorata and hirsutism are two separate conditions and are usually not directly related. Always consult a medical professional for proper diagnosis and treatment of these conditions.

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