Answer a Question asked to Expert

As a participant of WaihonaPedia you can ask questions to an expert. Only participants with more extensive rights (moderator or global moderator) can answer questions. These can be experts (e.g. a youth doctor from a centre of expertise or a behavioural expert) but also experienced parents can answer questions. As a community, you decide whether and which of your parents can answer questions. Ask us to adjust the rights of these parents.

Reception of the question

  • The community manager checks on a daily basis whether questions have been asked.
  • A participant asks a question via Ask the Expert. 
  • The community manager changes the status of the question to 'Question received, we are working on a answer'. The participant then sees in the overview of questions on his/her Personal Dashboard that the status of the question changes from 'asked' to 'send to expert'.
  • Next, the community manager looks for someone who can answer the question. This can be an expert or an experienced parent from the community ( so also an expert).
  • The community manager sends an email to the expert with a link to the question asked.

Answer the question

  • Open the question.
  • Click on the 'Answer' button .
  • Write your answer in the answer field. Write in short sentences, use white lines and explain medical terms. 
  • Change the status of the question by placing a check mark at:
    • 'Answered' if you have been able to answer the question in full.
    • 'We request some additional information' if you need more information in order to be able to formulate an answer.
    • 'Question is passed on to international experts' if you have invited other experts to answer the question.
    • 'Answered by international experts' when the question has been answered by a team of international experts.
  • 'generalize' does not need to be ticked (a community manager does this when compiling an overview of frequently asked questions).
  • Click on the 'Save' button and your answer will be saved.
  • Would you like to complete the question? then again click on the 'Answer' button​.

Sobre o conteúdo do sítio web

Toda a informação contida neste WebSite é apenas para fins educativos. O local para obter aconselhamento médico específico, diagnósticos e tratamento é o seu médico. A utilização deste site é estritamente por sua conta e risco. Se encontrar algo que considere necessário corrigir ou esclarecer, por favor informe-nos em: 

Envie um e-mail: