Answer a Question asked to Expert

As a participant of WaihonaPedia you can ask questions to an expert. Only participants with more extensive rights (moderator or global moderator) can answer questions. These can be experts (e.g. a youth doctor from a centre of expertise or a behavioural expert) but also experienced parents can answer questions. As a community, you decide whether and which of your parents can answer questions. Ask us to adjust the rights of these parents.

Reception of the question

  • The community manager checks on a daily basis whether questions have been asked.
  • A participant asks a question via Ask the Expert. 
  • The community manager changes the status of the question to 'Question received, we are working on a answer'. The participant then sees in the overview of questions on his/her Personal Dashboard that the status of the question changes from 'asked' to 'send to expert'.
  • Next, the community manager looks for someone who can answer the question. This can be an expert or an experienced parent from the community ( so also an expert).
  • The community manager sends an email to the expert with a link to the question asked.

Answer the question

  • Open the question.
  • Click on the 'Answer' button .
  • Write your answer in the answer field. Write in short sentences, use white lines and explain medical terms. 
  • Change the status of the question by placing a check mark at:
    • 'Answered' if you have been able to answer the question in full.
    • 'We request some additional information' if you need more information in order to be able to formulate an answer.
    • 'Question is passed on to international experts' if you have invited other experts to answer the question.
    • 'Answered by international experts' when the question has been answered by a team of international experts.
  • 'generalize' does not need to be ticked (a community manager does this when compiling an overview of frequently asked questions).
  • Click on the 'Save' button and your answer will be saved.
  • Would you like to complete the question? then again click on the 'Answer' button​.

Über den Inhalt der Website

Alle Informationen auf dieser WebSite dienen ausschließlich der Aufklärung. Der richtige Ort, um spezifischen medizinischen Rat, Diagnosen und Behandlungen zu erhalten, ist Ihr Arzt. Die Nutzung dieser Website erfolgt ausschließlich auf eigene Gefahr. Wenn Sie etwas finden, das Ihrer Meinung nach einer Korrektur oder Klärung bedarf, lassen Sie es uns bitte wissen: 

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