

campaign.cdls.pain.researchLong=Pain perception, pain recognition, pain threshold and pain relief
campaign.cdls.pain.research=Pain recognition and what can you do?
campaign.cdls.pain.research.callout=Somebody with CdLS cannot or cannot clearly talk and has a unique way of communicating, it is difficult to notice if and when there is pain.
campaign.cdls.pain.research.participation=Participation across the world!
campaign.cdls.pain.research.statistcs=Participation details until now!
campaign.cdls.pain.research.callToAction=Read the results...
campaign.cdls.pain.research.learnMore=Tell me more
campaign.cdls.pain.research.citations=Others say...
campaign.cdls.pain.research.approach=Tell me more...
campaign.cdls.pain.research.numberOfQuestionnaires=Number of items to complete
campaign.cdls.pain.research.numberOfRefluxCases=Indicated Reflux
campaign.cdls.pain.research.numberOfBehavior=Indicated Behavior
campaign.cdls.pain.research.parentof.father=father of {0}
campaign.cdls.pain.research.parentof.mother=mother of {0}
campaign.cdls.pain.research.parentof.care=caretaker of {0}

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