

campaign.cdls.pain.researchLong=Pain perception, pain recognition, pain threshold and pain relief
campaign.cdls.pain.research=Pain recognition and what can you do?
campaign.cdls.pain.research.callout=Somebody with CdLS cannot or cannot clearly talk and has a unique way of communicating, it is difficult to notice if and when there is pain.
campaign.cdls.pain.research.participation=Participation across the world!
campaign.cdls.pain.research.statistcs=Participation details until now!
campaign.cdls.pain.research.callToAction=Read the results...
campaign.cdls.pain.research.learnMore=Tell me more
campaign.cdls.pain.research.citations=Others say...
campaign.cdls.pain.research.approach=Tell me more...
campaign.cdls.pain.research.numberOfQuestionnaires=Number of items to complete
campaign.cdls.pain.research.numberOfRefluxCases=Indicated Reflux
campaign.cdls.pain.research.numberOfBehavior=Indicated Behavior
campaign.cdls.pain.research.parentof.father=father of {0}
campaign.cdls.pain.research.parentof.mother=mother of {0} of {0}

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All of the information on this WebSite is for education purposes only. The place to get specific medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment is your doctor. Use of this site is strictly at your own risk. If you find something that you think needs correction or clarification, please let us know at: 

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