10th World Conference Cornelia de Lange Syndrome 2019

Together experts and families search for answers, find solutions and share best practice. Our understanding of CdLS is increased and families are better able to deal with challenges of raising their children.Together we strengthen friendship, in an emotionally safe environment. Parents are supported and encouraged to share concerns and and celebrate triumphs.

CdLS World federation Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) meeting

More and more experts in the field of Medical, Cognitive, Care, Family consulting-services have discovered a passion for the rare Cornelia the Lange syndrome.As with the federation members they gather each 2 years to share the latest research and new best practices and take home this knowledge to their respective countries.We have been welcoming more nationalities each year that will improve the dissimilation of knowledge about CdLS to all who need this knowledge. The experts we know will be invited for this meeting. If you developed the same passion for CdLS and expert in a area you deem relevant for CdLS please let us know and the SAC might invite you as well!

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