
Important: Take care of yourself

The daily care of a child with CdLS and the stress of doctor visits demand a lot from parents. Everything takes more time and energy. You will notice that.

However, making time for each other, or spending time alone or doing something with the other children, is essential.

Strategy for self-care
  • Acknowledge your sadness. Acknowledging your feelings is necessary to cope with them.
  • Be aware of your body. Get enough sleep and find ways to relax.
  • Take care of your relationship and your family. Make time for yourself and your partner and discuss your needs with each other.
  • Asking for help is difficult. But you don't have to do everything alone. Try to find out what kind of help is most useful for you and learn what resources are available in your area.
  • Seek help for yourself. It may help to talk to a therapist who can guide you in your role as a parent of a care-intensive child.

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