First Look at your Dashboard

The information that you shared will be shown to you on your Dashboard. It is a central page in your collection of information. When you just started it will give you a central place to start 'sharing'

You can always quickly have a look on your Dashboard by clicking the:


This will always be visible in the menu

Failed to execute the [display] macro. Cause: [Current user [null] doesn't have view rights on document [xwiki:WaihonaPediaDashboard.WebHome]]. Click on this message for details.

How does it work?

As you can see the dashboard has a number of squares (Tiles) that represent your WaihonaPedia services; Experiences, Questions, Questionnaires and Themerooms.
It also holds a list of 'personal' menu items.

Each services can be selected by clicking the button at the bottom. Or you can inspect if there has been any interesting change like an answer to your question or a reaction on your story...

Over de website-inhoud

Alle informatie die u hier vindt is ter informatie, geen medisch advies! De plaats voor het vinden van specifieke medische adviezen, diagnoses en de behandeling is uw arts. Gebruik van deze site is strikt op eigen risico. Als u vind dat iets onjuist is, verduidelijking behoeft, verbeterd kan worden, doe dan mee, meld uzelf aan op onze website en stel een verbetering voor. Mocht U dit liever per email doen dan kan dat ook!

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