Why join WaihonaPedia?

My child has a rare condition.


I would like answers to questions

Your child has a rare condition: this diagnosis raises many questions. What can you do to help your loved one (Waihona)? What do family members, caregivers and professional caregivers need? But doctors and experts often don't have an answer to your questions, 

Join your patient organization and let WaihonaPedia offer you a path that we can walk together. Let WaihonaPedia act as a compass so that we can help each other, exchange new information and create a collective knowledge base. Invite your family members, caregivers and doctors, and experts and researchers will walk with you to help and learn from you as well. Join at your own pace!

Want to know more and get involved?

Go to our website and click Join. Navigate around and discover the possibilities. If you find something doesn’t work, give us your suggestions and we will try it out. Have you read something that raises questions? Then write or ask a question. WaihonaPedia develops and grows by sharing with each other. 

À propos du contenu du site Web

Toutes les informations contenues dans ce site Web sont uniquement destinées à des fins éducatives. Pour obtenir des conseils, des diagnostics et des traitements médicaux spécifiques, adressez-vous à votre médecin. L'utilisation de ce site est strictement à vos propres risques. Si vous trouvez quelque chose qui, selon vous, nécessite une correction ou une clarification, veuillez nous en faire part à l'adresse suivante : 

Envoyez un courriel : info@cdlsWorld.org