
Stichting WaihonaPedia

We believe that the right knowledge about rare diseases increases the happiness and well-being of people with these diseases, their parents, their sisters and brothers, their families and their friends.
We do this by sharing essential and useful knowledge of parents and experts.
We use an online platform to make the right knowledge available. Knowledge workshops can also be organised on this platform.


We will contribute to a better quality of life for families around a disease by helping communities to offer precisely that information to a family that will allow them to make the right decisions, to feel empowered with solutions and to get energy from support(ing) others with the same disease.

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Toutes les informations contenues dans ce site Web sont uniquement destinées à des fins éducatives. Pour obtenir des conseils, des diagnostics et des traitements médicaux spécifiques, adressez-vous à votre médecin. L'utilisation de ce site est strictement à vos propres risques. Si vous trouvez quelque chose qui, selon vous, nécessite une correction ou une clarification, veuillez nous en faire part à l'adresse suivante : 

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