
Our brain processes information and determines our daily functioning. Growing and developing a brain requires great precision in the creation, docking and positioning of nerve cells. What is the consequence for this precision in making if the NIPBL gene, a key regulator in making cells, malfunctions.

Cause of Cornelia de Lange syndrome

We already know that several genes play a role in Cornelia de Lange syndrome (CdLS). The illustration below shows that NIPBL, the gene altered (mutated) in the vast majority of CdLS cases, plays a role in the so-called Cohesin Complex.

Changes in the brain

We know that in people with CdLS we often see the following:

  • smaller head circumference
  • intellectual disability
  • Problems with speech/language development
  • behavioural problems
  • seizures

Better Understanding

So it is interesting to better understand ;

  • How are the nerve cells in the brain connected?
  • How are these connections when there are healthy as well as 'sick' nerve cells (mosaicism)?
  • Which genes in the brain are all turned ON and OFF (regulated) by NIPBL?
  • How does this affect brain development?

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