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Welcome Screen Overview

The Welcome Screen feature has been completed using the following wiki pages:

Page LinkDescription
welcomeFormNew The page contains the sheet for the welcome form (displays the HTML form and validation.)
welcomeTranslationsTranslation keys needed by this macro.
Code and macros that drive connect the sheet information with mailThis page prepares mails Registrant an Moderators using the MailSender plugin. The emails content is build using the templates below 
Mail Template for new user AND moderators to be approved

Mail Template used to send a copy of the approval information to the new user. This is the information provided by the new user self.

The template will also be used to inform the modertaors about the new user

The Macro that is used for each new user with first login to ask for approval informationThis page holds the wiki macro used to display the welcome form. The macro visibility is Global (see full macro list available on  WikiMacros). The macro does not define any parameters. You can take a look at a usage example on the macro page WelcomeScreen.
The code exportsYou can use this page to distribute all above (and some more required pages). We strongly recommend not to change the above pages on your production environments
Depricated modules belowDepricated below
Mail Template for the moderator that will de involved for approvalTemplate used for moderator email content
WelcomeScreenSheetVersion2 (depricated)The page contains the sheet for the welcome form (displays the HTML form and validation. Below the welcome form, the sheet includes the content from stakeholdersParentsCaregivers.
WelcomeScreenSheet_SSXPage holding a CSS extension used to store style rules for the welcome form.
WaihonaCode.WelcomeScreenAction (depricated)This page sends mails to moderators using the MailSender plugin. The emails content is build using the templates CdLSWorldCode.WelcomeScreenTemplateMail and CdLSWorldCode.WelcomeScreenTemplateMailModerator (see below for each template). 
WaihonaCode.WelcomeScreenActionThis page sends mails to moderators using the MailSender plugin. The emails content is build using the templates CdLSWorldCode.WelcomeScreenTemplateMail and CdLSWorldCode.WelcomeScreenTemplateMailModerator (see below for each template). 
WelcomeScreenGroovyThis page holds a Groovy helper class (different functions to get the moderator email for a particular country and language, the support group email for a particular country and language)
WelcomeScreenTemplateMailTemplate used for admin email (set in the administration section) content
WelcomeScreenTemplateMailModeratorTemplate used for moderator email content
templates (multiple languages) Templates for welcoming (after approval) of new participants
WelcomeScreenSheet (depricated) The page contains the sheet for the welcome form (displays the HTML form and validation. Below the welcome form, the sheet includes the content from stakeholdersParentsCaregivers.

Over de website-inhoud

Alle informatie die u hier vindt is ter informatie, geen medisch advies! De plaats voor het vinden van specifieke medische adviezen, diagnoses en de behandeling is uw arts. Gebruik van deze site is strikt op eigen risico. Als u vind dat iets onjuist is, verduidelijking behoeft, verbeterd kan worden, doe dan mee, meld uzelf aan op onze website en stel een verbetering voor. Mocht U dit liever per email doen dan kan dat ook!

Stuur een email: vereniging@cdlsworld.org