LiveValidationCustom macro


Validates a XObject property value using a custom remote XWiki document that should returns "true" when valid or "false" when not valid, based on the field value and the property reference.


{{livevalidationCustom form="formId" property="propertyReference" against="validationDocumentReference" args="an=additional&query=string" failureMessage="A message to display when false is returned" /}}
 Param  Description
 form  Unique ID of the form html element that contains the validated field (Optional, default to inline).
 property  Property reference of the field to be validated.
 against  Document reference of the document that will be AJAX requested to settle the validation.
 args  Additional QueryString passed over to the requested document with the property reference and the field value.
 failureMessage  Message to be used upon validation failure.


Add the following lines to MyApp.MyAppSheet.

{{livevalidationCustom property='MyApp.MyAppClass[0].myprop' against='LiveValidation.IsUniqueValidator' failureMessage='myprop is required to be unique.' /}}

The LiveValidation.IsUniqueValidator is also provided in this extension and check that the property value is unique compared to all instances of the same XClass.


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