
Mosa at the CdLS Family Conference in Zaragoza

Debbie, Kerstin and Sylvia attended the CdLS Family Conference in Zaragoza last December. We are very thankful to the Dutch CdLS family organization for making this possible, to Andrea, Gerrit and Gerritjan for organizing the travel and to Juan Pié, Feliciano Ramos and the Spanish CdLS family organization for organizing this conference.

This family conference right in the center of the beautiful city of Zaragoza was a great opportunity for us to meet families, clinicians and researchers.

(van links naar rechts); Kerstin, Sylvia en Debbie groeten ons vanuit Zaragoza

Kerstin, Sylvia and Debbie greet us from Zaragoza

During the session for families and scientists, Debbie and Kerstin gave an overview about their research work and the ambitions of the MosaCdLS project.. Sylvia informed the families about possible underlying causes of self-injurious behavior and provided advice on how to try to solve each child’s behavioral puzzle. Together with Paul she also held personal consultations..

We made a lot of new connections to other researchers and received very good input for our project. Very exciting for us, we had the chance to collect the first hair samples for our project from two CdLS boys at the meeting. This was made possible with the great help of Marta Giles, a PhD student of Juan Pié at the University of Zaragoza.

Update by

Dr. Debbie van den Berg

PHD. Kerstin Wendt

Dr. Sylvia Huisman


Kerstin Wendt

Kerstin leads the MOSA CdLS project

History des pages
Modifié par Gerritjan Koekkoek le 2024/03/20 14:07
Créé par Gerritjan Koekkoek le 2024/03/20 13:59
translated by Gerritjan Koekkoek

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