


It is not unusual for children with this syndrome to be nearsighted, have recurrent redeye, discharge or tearing or have ptosis of the eyelids. If ptosis is severe the children may lift their chins or arch their eyebrows in order to improve their vision. Many parents opt for surgery to correct the ptosis.

Many children with CdLS may not engage in normal gaze behaviours. Gaze averting may happen for a number of reasons. It may give the child time to process visual information, it may mean the child perceives the task as too difficult, or it may mean the child is feeling uncertain or stressed. Children with CdLS may also use peripheral vision more frequently than direct gazing because they have greater difficulty choosing which of the varied stimuli should receive their attention. It also tends to be true that children who are lower functioning show greater sensory rejection and sensitivity to stimulation in their environment.

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