Page d'assistance WaihonaPedia

Macros disponibles

tocTable des matièresNavigationGénère une table de matières.Globale
mentionMention UtilisateurNotificationsInsert une mention utilisateur.Wiki courant
showRecommendationsShow recommendations for a topicdocumentsThis Macro shows the recommendations for a topicGlobale
attachmentGalleryPickerSélecteur de pièces jointesDéveloppementGrille de sélection des pièces jointes.Globale
showDreamshowDreamcampaignThis macro will visualize a dream specified in a WaihonaPedia format.Globale
warningMessage d'avertissementFormatPermet d'afficher un message d'avertissement.Globale
campaignButtonscampaignButtonscampaignThis macro can only be used in combination with a campaignObjectGlobale
livevalidationFormatLiveValidationFormatDéveloppementValidates that XObject property value against a regular expression.Wiki courant
latestNewsItemsShow latest news itemsThis macro will show the latest news items for a given supportgroup
livevalidationEmailLiveValidationEmailDéveloppementValidates that XObject property value is a valid email address.Wiki courant
sectionDividersectionDividerpage contentAdd a Section divider to a page.

It will create a clear separation between two page sections|Globale

closingBeautyclosingBeautycampaignShow a nice section with three images with text overlays to inspireGlobale
questionnaireHeaderCreate questionnaire headerCreates a columnheader for the questionnaire. The only parameter is a comma seperated list of items to be placed in the columnheader, from left (first) to right (last).Wiki courant
activationImageLeftActivation image with callout on the leftactivationThis macro will create a image with a title and a callout for your communityGlobale
successMessage en cas de succèsFormatAffiche un message en cas de succès.Globale
topicNavigationDemotopic navigationDemoNavigationThis macro will present a navigation area where the selected topic (it's title) and the entity (information, questions, stories) you are browsing.

If you do not supply a topicKey (optional, default) it will look for a topicKey, based on the entity selected on your current page|Globale

templateTemplateDéveloppementInsérer un template.Globale
notificationsAutoWatchPreferencesPréférences pour les notifications d'abonnement automatiqueNotificationsAffiche les préférences de l'utilisateur pour les notifications d'abonnement automatique aux pages.Wiki courant
memberDescrShow membershipsWiki courant
waihonaAttachmentSelectorWaihona Attachment SelectorA control to be used for object properties of the current document that are supposed to contain the name of an attachment from the current (or target) document. Allows uploading new attachments, and deleting attachments from the target document.  If no target document is specified, the current document will be used. Object properties are only saved to the current document.Wiki courant
showPagesFromCollectionsshowPagesFromCollectionscampaignThis macro requires a page-reference and it will get the objects of class pageCollection. For each object it will create a list of tilesGlobale
useTitleOfPageuseTitleOfPagecontentSpecify a reference of a page and get the title in plain Text to use in your contentGlobale
waihonaPediaPartnersWaihonaPedia Partner organizationscontentShow partner organizations for a WaihonaPedia PartnerWiki courant
topicNavigationtopic navigationNavigationThis macro will present a navigation area where the selected topic (it's title) and the entity (information, questions, stories) you are browsing.

If you do not supply a topicKey (optional, default) it will look for a topicKey, based on the entity selected on your current page|Globale

blogPostLayoutCardsCards Blog Post LayoutThis macro is used to display a blog post using the 'Cards' layoutWiki courant
useravatarAfficher la photo de profilContenuPermet d'afficher l'avatar d'un utilisateur donné.Globale
researchHeaderHeader for research pagesresearchThis macro will show if the user is participating with research or otherwise will invite the user to participateGlobale
wikisWikisNavigationListe de tous les wikisWiki courant
showSliderShow sliderdocumentsThis macro will take a page reference and show attached images as a slideshow. There will be a generic label overlaid on the imagesGlobale
waihonaAddPageAdd PageThis macro that will put a "create page button" with option to set Space and PageWiki courant
cacheCacheDéveloppementContenu des caches.Globale
createCitationsStructurecreateCitationsStructurecampaignA macro to create and maintain a citation structure displayed in a Caroussel displayerGlobale
supportGroupLeaderssupportGroupLeaderssupportgroupShow the community representatives, experts and volunteersGlobale
includePublicQuestionincludePublicQuestioncontentThis macro will display a Privat articleGlobale
figureTypeRecognizerFigure Type RecognizerInterneInternal macro used to recognize the type of a figure.Globale
getTextbyClassgetTextbyClassCdLSGet Paragraph from a page that is marked with a classGlobale
iconDecoratedTileiconDecoratedTileshowThis macro will show a tile decorated with the icon you specify (Font awesome)Globale
pdfviewerPDF ViewerContenuPDF Viewer basé sur Mozilla pdf.jsWiki courant
showCollectionOfTilesshowCollectionOfTilespageThis macro will show a collection of tiles providing you specify the macro at least one timeGlobale
lightboxLightbox ImageContenuAdd a click-enlargeable image. Globale
showWaihonaPediaGroupshowWaihonaPediaGroupuserShow users in a group, see the groups in adminGlobale
iconPickerSélecteur d'icônesDéveloppementSélectionnez une icône dans le set d'icônes XWiki.Wiki courant
healthSystemIconhealthSystemIcon labeliconThis macro will show a icon for a heart-system partGlobale
wikimacrocontentWikiMacro ContentDéveloppementDisplay editable content of a wikimacro.Globale
emoEmoticon MacroContenuInserts an emoticon into the content.
blockScheduleManagementblockScheduleManagementcampaignThis macro will show the program in lowest level of detail (called 'blocks')
Each block will be planned under a certain day of a certain campaign-part
Each block will have a time slot that is linked to the 'start' of the day
Each Block can have a chair and one or more supporters (can be a speaker)
Each Block will have a title and a description
You can add specific blocks for Breaks of Dinner
sectionSectionA macro to enclose columned textGlobale
messageSenderEmetteur du messageSocialUn contrôle qui permet aux utilisateurs d'entrer des messages qui sont gérés par le module de MessageStream.Wiki courant
playVideoTileplayVideoTilenavigationA tile with Video image as header and text from a page specified.Globale
WelcomeScreenWelcome ScreencontentThis macro is used to display the Welcome Screen for new users. The macro visibility is Global and it can be used on any page on this wiki. The macro does not define any parameters.Globale
childrenChildrenNavigationDisplays a tree of children pages of the current pageWiki courant
livetablelivetablenavigationDisplays a standard livetable for a specific XWiki class and the chosen fieldsGlobale
showUsersWithExpertiseNetworkshowUsersWithExpertiseNetworkThis macro show all the waihonapedia users within a network of orgs associated to a diseaseGlobale
displayAffichageContenuAffiche d'autres pages dans la page courante.Globale
translationTraductionContenuAffiche un message de traduction.Globale
greetUserRegistrationgreetUserRegistrationWaihonaThis will greet the just registered user in a informal way with first nameGlobale
addStoryButtonaddStoryButtonstoriesThis macro will add a button that will help you to write a introduction story about your WaihonaGlobale
infoMessage d'informationFormatPermet d'afficher un message d'information.Globale
createVideoLayercreateVideoLayercampaignThis macro can create a page structure that can be viewed as a 'Video' block on a pageGlobale
documentTreeArborescenceNavigationAffiche l'arborescence des pages XWiki.Wiki courant
tagcloudNuage de tagContenuAffiche le nuage de tags du wiki courant ou de l'espace spécifié.Wiki courant
activityActivitéNotificationsLa macro Activity affiche l'activité récente des utilisateurs dans le wiki, elle fournit des information concernant les pages (création, édition, suppression) ainsi que sur les annotations, les commentaires et les pièces jointes.Wiki courant
3thumbnails3 ThumbnailsdisplayThis macro will make a row of 3 images that can each have a caption, a smal text and a button to link Wiki courant
showGroupEventButtonsshowGroupEventButtonsmoderatorThis will offer moderators a option to add events on behalf of their communityGlobale
livevalidationPresenceLiveValidationPresenceDéveloppementValidates that XObject property value is present (ie. not null, undefined, or an empty string)Wiki courant
commentCommentaireDéveloppementPermet d'ajouter des commentaires dans le contenu source. Cette macro ne produit rien.Globale
showEventSupportersshowEventSupporterscampaignThis macro will, when inside a tree of a campaign, show the supporters for that campaignGlobale
showGroupsHTMLTableshowGroupsHTMLTableThis macro will show a tablethat lists all support groups of this waihonapedia, filtered on 'member' and displaying geographies names (e.g. countries), the logo, the name by supportgroup nameGlobale
galleryGalerieMise en pageAffiche les images trouvées dans le contenu fourni en mode présentation / galerie.Globale
campaignDisplaySchedulecampaignDisplaySchedulecampaignThis macro will display a schedule if the campaign it refers to has a schedule definedGlobale
uiextensionExtension UIDéveloppementInsérez une extension UI.Globale
notificationsSystemFiltersPreferencesNotifications System Filters PreferencesNotificationsDisplay the preferences of the given user about system notification filters.Wiki courant
figureFigureDéveloppementTag content as an illustration and with an optional caption.Globale
putFootnotesAfficher les notes de bas de pageContenuPermet d'afficher les notes de bas de page présentes jusqu'à ce point dans le document. Le cas échéant, les notes de bas de page seront affichées en bas de la page.Globale
attachmentSelectorSélecteur de pièce jointeDéveloppementUn contrôle à utiliser pour les propriétés de l'objet du document actuel qui sont censées contenir le nom d'une pièce jointe à partir du document courant (ou cible). Autorise le chargement de nouvelles pièces jointes, et la suppression des pièces jointes à partir du document cible. Si aucun document cible n'est spécifié, le document actuel sera utilisé. Les propriétés de l'objet ne sont enregistrées que dans le document actuel.Wiki courant
includePrivatArticlesincludePrivatArticlescontentThis macro will display a Privat articleGlobale
serviceLabelService labelPage contentThis macro will show a label for one of the WaihonaPedia services.Globale
livevalidationCustomLiveValidationCustomDéveloppementValidates a XObject property value using a custom remote XWiki document that should returns "true" when valid or "false" when not valid, based on the field value and the property reference.Wiki courant
menuMenuNavigationAffiche un menu créé en utilisant une syntaxe wiki simple (listes imbriquées et liens).Globale
upgradingupgradingwarningThis macro will show a message that something is being upgradedGlobale
callToActioncallToActionpage contentGlobale
documentsDocumentsContenuAffiche la liste des documents dans un tableau dynamiqueWiki courant
citationCitationCitation MacroGlobale
quoteQuoteFormatDisplays inline text with special quote formatting.Globale
groovyGroovyDéveloppementExécute un script Groovy.Globale
footnoteNote de bas de pageContenuGénère une note qui sera affichée en bas de page.Globale
generalHealthgeneralHealthinformationThis macro will present a list of Health attention points for a given diseaseGlobale
waihonaHomeRedirectNotApprovedwaihonaHomeRedirectNotApprovedThis will display a computed homescreen based on the User. E.g: it will display different screens for guest, notApproved, etc
It will under certain conditions redirect
Wiki courant
showCentresOfExpertiseshowCentresOfExpertisecommunityThis macro will show a list of centre of expertiseGlobale
flagShow country flagShow an image of the country specified in the parameter countrycode. The image has the class 'flag'. Additional parameter is the size (square) of the image.Wiki courant
overviewBySupportGroupoverviewBySupportGroupsupportgroupsThis macro will show a list of supportgroeps and for each group how many families and/or experts have joined this WaihonapediaGlobale
showSupportGroupsInlineshowSupportGroupsInlineThis macro will show a sentence that lists all support groups of this waihonapedia, filtered on 'member' and displayed as geographies names (e.g. countries) or supportgroup nameGlobale
textToLeadtextToLeadtextThis macro will style;e the contained text as 'lead-text', especially useful as a introduction to your article!Globale
exampleExampleFormatShows an example and its source code.Wiki courant
textWithQualifiersTextbox with two qualifiersdocumentsThis text box allows to specify if the text is validated and for which regions the text is checkedGlobale
blogPostLayoutImageBlog Post Layout ImageThis macro is used to display a full blog post with a thumbnail imageWiki courant
campaignScheduleOverviewcampaignScheduleOverviewcampaignThis macro will show the parts of the programGlobale
asyncmacro asyncContenuExécution asynchrone et/ou mise en cache du contenu de la macro.Globale

This macro will take a Dimension or Topic code and give you the translated text of title or description
It will take three params; Dimension or Topic, Key of the samen and if you want title or content.

The output is text;

  • when title is requested it can be used inline
  • when content is requested this macro will use a {{include reference='xxxx'/}} macro
{{dimTopicText type='dimension' key='acPGenitals' output='title'/}}

 Genital anomalies

figureCaptionFigure CaptionDéveloppementProvide a figure caption when used inside the Figure macro.Globale
spaceindexIndex des espacesObsolèteListe les documents d'un espace.Wiki courant

This macro must be called within a nested page structure where the top page has an object of class 'waihonapediaCampaignClass'.

It will inspect/populate the property 'speakers'.

  1. A user can decide to extend te speaker information (this will create two pages; nested below the campaign page, speakers.WebHome and speakers.speakerindex).
    1. .speakers.WebHome will have the macro {{showEventSupporters/}}.
    2. .speakers.speakerIndex will have the macro {{eventSupporterIndex/}}.
  2. A user can add or remove 'supporters'. On the speakerIndex page the existing information can be extended with a bio in multiple languages

This macro must be called from (nested below) a page with object "WaihonaCode.waihonapediaCampaignClass"

iconFont Awesome iconIconsInserts a Font Awesome iconGlobale
spacesEspacesObsolèteAffiche tous les espaces du wiki courant.Wiki courant
errorMessage d'erreurFormatPermet d'afficher un message d'erreur.Globale
greetUsergreetUserWaihonaThis will greet the user in a informal way with first nameGlobale
pageInBoxpageInBoxnavigationThe macro will allow you to show the first part (or a summary) of a page in a boxGlobale
attachmentSelectorCdlsAttachment Selector CDLSA control to be used for object properties that are supposed to contain the name of an attachement of the containing document.Globale
workspacesEspaces de travail (obsolète)ObsolèteCette macro est dépréciée et ne doit plus être utilisée pour des raisons de compatibilité. Merci de la remplacer par un macro "wikis".Wiki courant
savedlistexportappSaved List Exporter ApplicationExportThis application allows to export multiple pages into a single XAR archive file, and to save the list of the pages that you want to export.Globale

This macro will show a citation slider, if it is created according to the WaihonaPedia citations slider structure!

  {{showCitationsSlider sliderPageRef="cdlsPublications.memoriesCitations.memoriesSlider" sliderID='memories' sliderCSSClass="memories" /}}
contextContexteDéveloppementExecute le contenu dans le contexte du document passé en paramètreGlobale
pdftocPDF Table of ContentsInterneGenerates the table of contents for the PDF export.Globale
livevalidationLiveValidationDéveloppementProvides client-side live validation of a single XObject based on the validation expressions and messages defined in its XClass.Wiki courant
liveDataLive DataContenuAffiche des listes dynamiques de données.Globale
rssRSSContenuListe les derniers éléments d'un flux RSS.Globale
chartGraphiqueContenuAffiche un graphique généré à partir d'une source de donnéesGlobale
explainHeaderexplainHeaderexplainThis macro will show the pageHeader as a. block in your textGlobale
infoPersonWithSyndromeinfoFPersonWithSyndromeWaihonaThis macro allows to insert friendly text about person with syndrome to write personalized text
- Name
- First Name
- Syndrome
- Gender
- Date of Birth
- page
- Avatar photo file
containerConteneurMise en pageMacro permettant de réunir plusieurs groupes et d'ajouter des décorations comme la mise en page.Globale
pythonPythonDéveloppementExécute un script Python.Globale
scriptScriptDéveloppementExécute un script dans le langage indiqué.Globale
showCdLSAssociationLogoShow CdLS association logoShow CdLS association logo with association name as tooltip. The only parameter is a 2-character language code (NL,ES,EN).Wiki courant
displayIconIconContenuDisplay an icon.Globale
exportResearchToCSVExport research data to CSVThis will take all questionnaires within a research and export it to a CSV (Comma separated) File in your download folder on your computerGlobale
parentschildrenlivetableParents and Children LivetableDisplay a livetable containing one level of parent-children granularity, where parent is defined by a document in the given space that is not the space home page, has no parent or it's parent is the space home page.Wiki courant
showPageMetaInfoshow meta information of the pagedocumentsGlobale
dashboardTableau de bordMise en pageMacro permettant de définir un tableau de bord à remplir avec des gadgets.Globale
uiextensionsExtensions UIDéveloppementInsérer les extensions UI.Globale
cboxCitationBox MacroContenuThis is a generic macro that allows a styled "citation" box around wiki content.
Wiki courant
clientSideUpdateUpdate classObject without reloading pageUpdate classObject without reloading page.Wiki courant
blogPostLayoutCompactBlog Post Layout CompactThis macro is used to display a full blog post in a compact modeWiki courant
activationImageCentreActivation image with callout below the imageactivationThis macro will create a image with a title and a callout for your communityGlobale
notificationsCustomFiltersPreferencesNotifications Custom Filters PreferencesNotificationsDisplay the preferences of the given user about custom notification filters.Wiki courant
addSubTitleaddSubTitlePage writingThis macro allows an author to add subTitles to a page titleGlobale
galleryOfPhotosgalleryOfPhotosphotosThis macro will show a gallery of Photos. By feeding it with an array of descriptions each photo can have a captionGlobale
jobJobDéveloppementExecute the macro content asynchronously and display progress.Globale
pinAvatarpinAvatartextThis macro will insert a comment-pin with a avatar inline ; at the start of a paragraph of text, somewhere in the lines of text or at the end of the paragraphGlobale
notificationsFiltersPreferencesNotifications Filters Preferences (deprecated)NotificationsDisplay the preferences of the current user about notification filters.
This macro is now deprecated in favor of Custom Notifications Filters Preferences or System Notifications Filters Preferences.
Wiki courant
notificationsNotificationsNotificationsAffiche des notifications liées à l'activité du wiki.Wiki courant
velocityVelocityDéveloppementExécute un script Velocity.Globale
waihonapediaUserListwaihonapediaUserListotherThis macro will pick X users from this wiki's users and present them as a set of thumbnails.
For ach user it will show:
  • Foto
  • Role in context (optional, depending on context or param)
  • Name of the user
  • Descriptive in context (# nr of shared...) (optional, depending on context NOT on Param)
  • Relation (e.g parent of child or doctor at hospital) (optional, depending on context or param)
wikimacroparameterWikiMacro ParameterDéveloppementDisplay editable parameter of a wikimacro.Globale
shareonShare pageShare the page on social media.Globale
waihonaPartnersPartner organizationsContenuShow partner organizations of a support groupWiki courant
codeCodeFormatPermet d'afficher des lignes de code dans un langage informatique donnéGlobale
eventSupporterIndexeventSupporterIndexcampaignThis macro will show a index of users that support a campaign (event)Globale
idAncreNavigationPermet d'insérer une ancre au sein d'une page. Elle permettra de créer un lien vers cet endroit précis de la page.Globale
includeInclureContenuPermet d'inclure une autre page dans la page courante.Globale
blogPostLayoutFullBlog Post Layout FullThis macro is used to display a full blog postWiki courant
gdprSettingsGdpr settingsGet what kind of cookies the current user has consented to. (preferences, statistics or marketing)Wiki courant
bannerImagebannerImagecontentThis macro will display the specified image (optionally with pageRef) at 100% widthGlobale
boxBoîteFormatAffiche une boîte autour du contenu entré.Globale
questionnaireHeaderNewCreate questionnaire header in table formatCreates a columnheader for the questionnaire. The only parameter is a comma seperated list of items to be placed in the columnheader, from left (first) to right (last).Wiki courant
videoVideoContenuDisplay in your wiki page any video from Youtube, Dailymotion, Google Video or Vimeo.

Also play a video attached to your wiki page using Video.js library. mp4, webm and ogv formats are supported.

The video macro can also plays a DASH video (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP).|Globale

showBreadCrumbNavigationshow BreadCrumb for NavigationNavigationMacro will allow to generate a breadcrumb for easy navigating Globale
showSupportGroupsTableshowSupportGroupsTableThis macro will show a tablethat lists all support groups of this waihonapedia, filtered on 'member' and displaying geographies names (e.g. countries), the logo, the name by supportgroup nameGlobale
columnColumndeclares a column in a columned sectionGlobale
showModalShow modal dialognavigationShow a modal dialog that must be closed before continue
Based on standard Bootstrap Modal
pageNavigationPage Navigation (sticky)pageThis macro will show a one-level Table of Content of the current page.
It will offer smooth rolling to any header of the selected level
userprofileUser profileDisplays basic information for the specified user by section.
Also contains a tooltip-like menu with 3 actions:
 - edit profile (viewable by admin only)
 - view profile
 - delete profile (viewable by admin only)
Wiki courant
showPersonalShow text from personal informationTextTHis allows you to write text and merging your personal information like the name of your child in your text
Note that if others will read your text the personal information of the reader is used!
treeArbreNavigationAffiche une hiérarchie de l'arborescence définie par le contenu de la macro ou le paramètre source.Globale
blogsLivetable de tous les blogsLa macro «Blogs» est utilisée pour lister dans une livetable tous les blogs disponibles sur le wiki.Wiki courant
showPageAsTileshowPageAsTiledocumentThis macro will show a page reference as a tile. Globale
makeNiceDateDate makeup from class objectMacro for changing a string value date from a class object (even if it's encapsulated in a HTML macro) to an arbitrary made up date.

Inline use:
Erreur dans l'exécution de la macro [velocity]. Cause : [begin 0, end -1, length 0]. Cliquer sur ce message pour voir plus de détails.

Located at: 'WaihonaMacros.makeNiceDate'|Globale

threeImagesCampaignthreeImagesCampaignCampaignCampaigns have the option to add a layer with 3 images (specify in the campaign page)

If your page has NO campaign Object you can specify the three images below...|Globale


This macro will show the text from a questionaire;

  • The title
  • One of the questions
  • One of the options (when question is List)

For this you need to specify three params

  1. Code of the questionairre
  2. Property code of the question, specify empty to get Name of Questionairre
  3. Option code, specify empty
  {{textOfQuestionairre listCode='qvo'/}}
  {{textOfQuestionairre listCode='qvo' questionCode='l9' /}}
  {{textOfQuestionairre listCode='qvo' questionCode='l9' optionCode='1' /}}


  How do you communicate with your child?

  Almost only with words (verbally)

tableToJsonTransform a table into JsonVisualizationA table allows normal users to structure information into columns and rows
This structure can be input for data analysis or visualization and on WaihonaPedia we standardize on Json
notificationsEmailPreferencesNotifications Email PreferencesNotificationsDisplay the preferences of the current user about notification emails.Wiki courant
blogPostLayoutWaiCardsWaihonaPedia Cards Blog Post LayoutThis macro is used to display a blog post using the 'Cards' layoutWiki courant
blogPostLayoutLinkBlog Post Layout LinkThis macro is used to display a blog post as a simple linkWiki courant
exportResearchToPrintExport research data to PrintThis will take all questionnaires within a research and export it to a Print formatted HTML page.Globale
contentContenuContenuAutorise tous les types de langages wiki dans le contenuGlobale
htmlHTMLDéveloppementPermet d'insérer du code HTML ou XHTML dans la page.Globale
officeLiseuse de Document OfficeContenuVoir les pièces jointes office (doc, ppt, xls, odt, odp, ods etc.) au sein des pages wiki sans besoin de les télécharger ou de les importer.Globale
showSubCentresOfExpertiseshowSubCentresOfExpertisecommunityThis macro will show a list of centre of expertise based on decreesGlobale
livevalidationConfirmationLiveValidationConfirmationDéveloppementValidates that XObject property value match another field of the form.Wiki courant

This macro can be supplied with a list of pages and these pages will then be rendered to an accordeon (see below)

{{showAccordeonFromPages accordeonID='checklist1' accordeonTitle='Checklist met Diagnose Criteria' bannerDocRef = 'cdlsPublications.diagnosisPictures' bannerDropDownDocRef='' panelDocRefsList='cdlsPublications.toDiagnosis,cdlsPublications.facialFeatures,cdlsPublications.majorCriteria,cdlsPublications.minorCriteria'/}}

Checklist met Diagnose Criteria

  Positive mutation on CdLS gene testing; OR
  Facial findings and meet criteria from two major categories (growth, development or behavior); OR
  Facial findings and meet criteria for at least one major categories and two additional categories (major or minor)
      Gezichts kenmerken
  doorlopende Wenkbrauwen EN >3 van de volgende:
  Lange wimpers
  Korte neus, anteverted nostrils
  Lange, prominent area tussen bovenlip en neus
  Brede en depressed neus-brug
  Smalle of vierkante kin
  Dunne lippen, omlaagstaande hoeken
  Hoog (of gespleten) gehemelt
  Wijd uiteenstaande tanden of afwezige tanden
      Major Criteria
  Growth ( > two or more of the following)
  Weight below 5th percentile for age
  Height/length below 5th percentile for age
  Head circumference below 5th percentile for age
  Development ( > one or more of the following)
  Developmental delays or intellectual disability, with speech more affected than motor skills
  Learning disabilities
  Behavior ( > two or more of the following)
  Attention deficit disorder plus hyperactivity
  Obsessive-compulsive characteristics
  Constant roaming
  Self-injurious behavior
  Extreme shyness or withdrawal
  Autistic-like features
      Minor Criteria
  Musculoskeletal (> one or more of the following)
  Absent arms or forearms
  Three or more of the following or small hands and feet and/or missing digits with two or more of the following:
  Curved 5th finger
  Abnormal palmar crease
  Dislocated elbow/abnormal elbow extension
  Short 1st knuckle/proximally placed thumb
  Partial webbing between 2nd and 3rd toes
  Chest or sternum deformity
  Hip dislocation or dysplasia
  Neurosensory/Skin (three or more of the following)
  Droopy eyelid(s)
  Tear duct malformation or inflammation of eyelid
  Major eye malformation or peripapillary
  Deafness or hearing loss
  Mottled appearance to skin
  Excessive body hair
  Small nipples and/or belly button
  Other major systems (three or more of the following)
  Gastrointestinal malformation/malrotation
  Diaphragmatic hernia
  Gastroesophageal reflux
  Cleft palate or submucous cleft palate
  Congenital heart disease 
  Abnormally placed opening of urethra on penis
  Undescended testes
  Renal or urinary tract malformation

2e Checklist met Diagnose Criteria

  Positive mutation on CdLS gene testing; OR
  Facial findings and meet criteria from two major categories (growth, development or behavior); OR
  Facial findings and meet criteria for at least one major categories and two additional categories (major or minor)
      Gezichts kenmerken
  doorlopende Wenkbrauwen EN >3 van de volgende:
  Lange wimpers
  Korte neus, anteverted nostrils
  Lange, prominent area tussen bovenlip en neus
  Brede en depressed neus-brug
  Smalle of vierkante kin
  Dunne lippen, omlaagstaande hoeken
  Hoog (of gespleten) gehemelt
  Wijd uiteenstaande tanden of afwezige tanden
      Major Criteria
  Growth ( > two or more of the following)
  Weight below 5th percentile for age
  Height/length below 5th percentile for age
  Head circumference below 5th percentile for age
  Development ( > one or more of the following)
  Developmental delays or intellectual disability, with speech more affected than motor skills
  Learning disabilities
  Behavior ( > two or more of the following)
  Attention deficit disorder plus hyperactivity
  Obsessive-compulsive characteristics
  Constant roaming
  Self-injurious behavior
  Extreme shyness or withdrawal
  Autistic-like features
      Minor Criteria
  Musculoskeletal (> one or more of the following)
  Absent arms or forearms
  Three or more of the following or small hands and feet and/or missing digits with two or more of the following:
  Curved 5th finger
  Abnormal palmar crease
  Dislocated elbow/abnormal elbow extension
  Short 1st knuckle/proximally placed thumb
  Partial webbing between 2nd and 3rd toes
  Chest or sternum deformity
  Hip dislocation or dysplasia
  Neurosensory/Skin (three or more of the following)
  Droopy eyelid(s)
  Tear duct malformation or inflammation of eyelid
  Major eye malformation or peripapillary
  Deafness or hearing loss
  Mottled appearance to skin
  Excessive body hair
  Small nipples and/or belly button
  Other major systems (three or more of the following)
  Gastrointestinal malformation/malrotation
  Diaphragmatic hernia
  Gastroesophageal reflux
  Cleft palate or submucous cleft palate
  Congenital heart disease 
  Abnormally placed opening of urethra on penis
  Undescended testes
  Renal or urinary tract malformation

3e Checklist met Diagnose Criteria, zonder banner panel

  Positive mutation on CdLS gene testing; OR
  Facial findings and meet criteria from two major categories (growth, development or behavior); OR
  Facial findings and meet criteria for at least one major categories and two additional categories (major or minor)
      Gezichts kenmerken
  doorlopende Wenkbrauwen EN >3 van de volgende:
  Lange wimpers
  Korte neus, anteverted nostrils
  Lange, prominent area tussen bovenlip en neus
  Brede en depressed neus-brug
  Smalle of vierkante kin
  Dunne lippen, omlaagstaande hoeken
  Hoog (of gespleten) gehemelt
  Wijd uiteenstaande tanden of afwezige tanden
      Major Criteria
  Growth ( > two or more of the following)
  Weight below 5th percentile for age
  Height/length below 5th percentile for age
  Head circumference below 5th percentile for age
  Development ( > one or more of the following)
  Developmental delays or intellectual disability, with speech more affected than motor skills
  Learning disabilities
  Behavior ( > two or more of the following)
  Attention deficit disorder plus hyperactivity
  Obsessive-compulsive characteristics
  Constant roaming
  Self-injurious behavior
  Extreme shyness or withdrawal
  Autistic-like features
      Minor Criteria
  Musculoskeletal (> one or more of the following)
  Absent arms or forearms
  Three or more of the following or small hands and feet and/or missing digits with two or more of the following:
  Curved 5th finger
  Abnormal palmar crease
  Dislocated elbow/abnormal elbow extension
  Short 1st knuckle/proximally placed thumb
  Partial webbing between 2nd and 3rd toes
  Chest or sternum deformity
  Hip dislocation or dysplasia
  Neurosensory/Skin (three or more of the following)
  Droopy eyelid(s)
  Tear duct malformation or inflammation of eyelid
  Major eye malformation or peripapillary
  Deafness or hearing loss
  Mottled appearance to skin
  Excessive body hair
  Small nipples and/or belly button
  Other major systems (three or more of the following)
  Gastrointestinal malformation/malrotation
  Diaphragmatic hernia
  Gastroesophageal reflux
  Cleft palate or submucous cleft palate
  Congenital heart disease 
  Abnormally placed opening of urethra on penis
  Undescended testes
  Renal or urinary tract malformation
notificationsApplicationsPreferencesPréférences de notificationNotificationsAffiche les préférences de notification de l'utilisateur courant.Wiki courant
supportGroupContactInfoContact Information for supportgroupsupportgroupThis macro will present Contact Information of a supportgroupGlobale
navBarForBlognavBarForBlogBlogThis macro can be used in description of a blog. It will use the available space to add a NavBar with optionally a search optionGlobale
showConversionButtonAdd Conversion buttonCore SoftwareMacro will set array of object that will cause a display of button in the menu-barGlobale
blogpostcreateBlog Post CreateThe Blog Post Create macro is used to insert a post creation form. The macro takes a blog descriptor document as parameter. The new blog posts will belongs to the blog specified in the parameter.Wiki courant
blogpostlistBlog post listThe BlogPostMacro is used to search and display blog posts based on some parameters, the results can be displayed using customizable templates.Wiki courant
instructionProfileButtonsinstructionProfileButtonsinstructionsThis macro is used in instructions to show the profileBarGlobale
overviewGroupEventsoverviewGroupEventsEventsThis macro will show a overview of events organized by a supportgroup
You need to pass a parameter with the code of the group
deeplTranslationDeepL TranslationdevelopmentAdd a link ir onder to translate a specific content using DeepL.Wiki courant
addNavigationButtonAdd a ?  button to page header Core SoftwareMacro will set array of object that will cause a display of button in the page headerGlobale
decoratedTiledecoratedTilenavigationA decorated tile with header and text from a page specified. You can make it clickable so it can serve as a navigation PanelGlobale
iconClassnameConfigure the classname for the usericonThis macro configures the classname for use with the icon bitmap. The only parameter is gender (male/female)Wiki courant
showMetaTopicsshowMetaTopicspage contentShow the 'Topics' assigned to this page, allowing the user to read more 'alike' pagesGlobale

À propos du contenu du site Web

Toutes les informations contenues dans ce site Web sont uniquement destinées à des fins éducatives. Pour obtenir des conseils, des diagnostics et des traitements médicaux spécifiques, adressez-vous à votre médecin. L'utilisation de ce site est strictement à vos propres risques. Si vous trouvez quelque chose qui, selon vous, nécessite une correction ou une clarification, veuillez nous en faire part à l'adresse suivante : 

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