20 - Resource implications

The potential resource implications of applying the recommendations have been considered.

User’s Manual Description:

The recommendations may require additional resources in order to be applied. For example, there may be a need for more specialized staff, new equipment, and expensive drug treatment. These may have cost implications for health care budgets. There should be a discussion in the guideline of the potential impact of the recommendations on resources.

Where to Look:

Examine the paragraph(s) on the dissemination/implementation of the guideline or, if available, additional documents with specific plans or strategies for implementation of the guideline. Some guidelines present cost implications in the paragraphs that discuss the evidence or decisions behind the recommendations. Examples of commonly labeled sections or chapters in a guideline where this information can be found include: methods, cost utility, cost effectiveness, acquisition costs, and implications for budgets.

How to Rate:

Item content includes the following CRITERIA:

  • identification of the types of cost information that were considered (e.g., economic evaluations, drug acquisition costs)
  • methods by which the cost information was sought (e.g., a health economist was part of the guideline development panel, use of health technology assessments for specific drugs, etc.)
  • information/description of the cost information that emerged from the inquiry (e.g., specific drug acquisition costs per treatment course)
  • description of how the information gathered was used to inform the guideline development process and/or formation of the recommendations


  • Is the item well written? Are the descriptions clear and concise?
  • Is the item content easy to find in the guideline?
  • Were appropriate experts involved in finding and analyzing the cost information?
Melissa C. Brouwers ...(see below)
Melissa C. Brouwers ...(see below)

AGREE II: advancing guideline development, reporting and evaluation in health care

Melissa C. Brouwers, Michelle E. Kho, George P. Browman, Jako S. Burgers, Francoise Cluzeau, GeneFeder, Béatrice Fervers, Ian D. Graham, Jeremy Grimshaw, Steven E. Hanna, Peter Littlejohns, JulieMakarski, Louise Zitzelsberger


Histórico da página
Modificado por Gerritjan Koekkoek em 2024/04/17 13:07
Criado por Gerritjan Koekkoek em 2024/04/17 13:07

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