06 - The target users are defined

The target users of the guideline are clearly defined.

User’s Manual Description:

The target users should be clearly defined in the guideline, so the reader can immediately determine if the guideline is relevant to them. For example, the target users for a guideline on low back pain may include general practitioners, neurologists, orthopaedic surgeons, rheumatologists, and physiotherapists.

Where to Look:

Examine the opening paragraphs/chapters for a description of the target users of the guideline. Examples of commonly labeled sections or chapters in a guideline where this information can be found include: target user and intended user.

How to Rate:

Item content includes the following CRITERIA:

  • clear description of intended guideline audience (e.g. specialists, family physicians, patients, clinical or institutional leaders/administrators)
  • description of how the guideline may be used by its target audience (e.g., to inform clinical decisions, to inform policy, to inform standards of care)


  • Is the item well written? Are the descriptions clear and concise?
  • Is the item content easy to find in the guideline?
  • Are the target users appropriate for the scope of the guideline?
Melissa C. Brouwers ...(see below)
Melissa C. Brouwers ...(see below)

AGREE II: advancing guideline development, reporting and evaluation in health care

Melissa C. Brouwers, Michelle E. Kho, George P. Browman, Jako S. Burgers, Francoise Cluzeau, GeneFeder, Béatrice Fervers, Ian D. Graham, Jeremy Grimshaw, Steven E. Hanna, Peter Littlejohns, JulieMakarski, Louise Zitzelsberger


Histórico da página
Modificado por Gerritjan Koekkoek em 2024/04/17 13:07
Criado por Gerritjan Koekkoek em 2024/04/17 13:07

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