17 - Key recommendations are identifiable.

Key recommendations are easily identifiable.

User’s Manual Description:

Users should be able to find the most relevant recommendations easily. These recommendations answer the main question(s) that have been covered by the guideline and can be identified in different ways. For example, they can be summarized in a box, typed in bold, underlined or presented as flow charts or algorithms.

Where to Look:

Examples of commonly labeled sections or chapters in a guideline where this information can be found include: executive summary, conclusions, and recommendations. Some guidelines provide separate summaries with key recommendations (e.g., quick reference guide).

How to Rate:

Item content includes the following CRITERIA:

  • description of recommendations in a summarized box, typed in bold, underlined, or presented as flow charts or algorithms
  • specific recommendations are grouped together in one section


  • Is the item well written? Are the descriptions clear and concise?
  • Is the item content easy to find in the guideline?
  • Are the key recommendations appropriately selected and do they reflect the key messages of the guideline?
  • Are specific recommendations grouped in a section placed near the summary of the key evidence?
Melissa C. Brouwers ...(see below)
Melissa C. Brouwers ...(see below)

AGREE II: advancing guideline development, reporting and evaluation in health care

Melissa C. Brouwers, Michelle E. Kho, George P. Browman, Jako S. Burgers, Francoise Cluzeau, GeneFeder, Béatrice Fervers, Ian D. Graham, Jeremy Grimshaw, Steven E. Hanna, Peter Littlejohns, JulieMakarski, Louise Zitzelsberger


Zuletzt geändert von Gerritjan Koekkoek am 2024/04/17 13:07
Erstellt von Gerritjan Koekkoek am 2024/04/17 13:07

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