Registration Procedure

When you sign up to WaihonaPedia, you cannot get started immediately because WaihonaPedia has a strict admissions policy. We do this to ensure that WaihonaPedia is and remains a safe meeting place for families, carers and experts around children with rare diseases. A place where your privacy is guaranteed and where you won't be bothered by 'salesmen' or people with nasty business talk. That is why we check every application to make sure it is really someone involved with a rare disease. Unfortunately, this takes time, but we do our best to admit you as soon as possible.

Your registration with WaihonaPedia takes 4 steps:

Step 1 Registration

  • Sign in to via the "Login" button (top right). Then click on "I don't have an account yet I want to register! ". You will now be taken to the registration page. 
  • Fill in the requested data as completely as possible. We need this information to create your account and check your involvement in the community. Note! You choose your own password. Keep it safe and secure because you will need it when you want to log in..
  • Confirm your registration by clicking the "register" button.

Step 2 Confirming your registration

  • WaihonaPedia will immediately send an email to the email address entered on the registration form. This contains an activation link. Click on this link to confirm your registration with WaihonaPedia. (NB if you do not receive a mail: check your junk mail/spam box).
  • You will receive an e-mail from us with your user name. You can now log in to WaihonaPedia with your username and your (self-chosen) password. You can now fill in the form for step 3, but do not yet read additional information or share information. You can only do that after your registration has been verified (step 3).

Step 3 Verification Community involvement

  • Together with the community that best suits you (e.g. the patients' association), we check whether the person signing up is indeed involved with a person with a rare condition. We do this to keep out bots, hackers and sellers and ensure your privacy.

To do this, you have to fill in a approval form... (you have to log out to read the text).
As we work with volunteers, the check may take some time; we ask for your understanding.

Step 4 Acceptance/Welcome

  • Once your registration with WaihonaPedia has been approved, you will receive a welcome email containing your username and some tips and instructions. You can now read and share information on WaihonaPedia. 
  • Log in with your user name and password of your choice. Have you forgotten this? That can happen, of course! In the login screen, click on 'forgot password' and create a new password>

À propos du contenu du site Web

Toutes les informations contenues dans ce site Web sont uniquement destinées à des fins éducatives. Pour obtenir des conseils, des diagnostics et des traitements médicaux spécifiques, adressez-vous à votre médecin. L'utilisation de ce site est strictement à vos propres risques. Si vous trouvez quelque chose qui, selon vous, nécessite une correction ou une clarification, veuillez nous en faire part à l'adresse suivante : 

Envoyez un courriel :