Modify your password

On your Computer

On your Mobile Phone

It is best to change your password at a certain interval to keep your information as safe as possible.

  1. Login
    Notice that (after logging in) there are two menus at the bottom of your phone; On this site AND For you.
    At the top of the screen there is a photo (or a empty placeholder if you have not set a photo) of you.

  2. Click on that photo (or placeholder)
    The 'For you' menu will now contains: Dashboard, 'the name of your Waihona' (if you are a family member), Your Account, Your Community, Your Settings and Your Notifications.

  3. Tap on 'Your settings' in the "for You" menu.
  4. On that screen, scroll down a bit until you see the 'change password' button, Tab on it.
  5. Fill in the three requested fields and press 'save'

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