

Anne-Marie is a consultant paediatrician specialising in child neurology and neurodevelopmental disorders. She works at the Centre for Rare Diseases and Centre for Rett syndrome at University Hospital of Copenhagen, Rigshospitalet.

She did her PhD within the clinical genetic area in 2007 (The phenotype of patients with submicroscopic chromosomal abnormalities and mental retardation. Description of new microdeletion syndromes.). Since then, her research focus has been on neurodevelopmental disorders, which in recent years mainly has been within Cornelia de Lange syndrome and Rett syndrome and related disorders. The focus is both on the molecular causes and mechanisms for disease and on clinical issues and how to manage these.  

Before then, Anne-Marie did her training at several paediatric departments in Copenhagen and Næstved and at the Epilepsy Hospital in Dianalund.


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