
WaihonaPedia has a small team. 


Do you want to help people with a rare disease? Then become volunteer at WaihonaPedia


We are able to do more thanks to our partners;

  •, this support organization knows all about WaihonaPedia's technology and guards our platform from intruders. They take care of Backups so that our information is always safe. Through a service agreement we are assured of their services 7 * 24 hours and they can offer additional services when needed.
  • Noeste IJver These Design Gurus can give our information exactly that look and feel and make access ever more accessible (for example, on your phone). They make their services available whenever the need arises.


Voorzitter Stichting WaihonaPeda

Histórico da página
Modificado por Gerritjan Koekkoek em 2023/02/13 14:36
Criado por Gerritjan Koekkoek em 2023/02/13 14:36

Sobre o conteúdo do sítio web

Toda a informação contida neste WebSite é apenas para fins educativos. O local para obter aconselhamento médico específico, diagnósticos e tratamento é o seu médico. A utilização deste site é estritamente por sua conta e risco. Se encontrar algo que considere necessário corrigir ou esclarecer, por favor informe-nos em: 

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