Page d'assistance WaihonaPedia


This macro must be called within a nested page structure where the top page has an object of class 'waihonapediaCampaignClass'.

It will inspect/populate the property 'speakers'.

  1. A user can decide to extend te speaker information (this will create two pages; nested below the campaign page, speakers.WebHome and speakers.speakerindex).
    1. .speakers.WebHome will have the macro {{showEventSupporters/}}.
    2. .speakers.speakerIndex will have the macro {{eventSupporterIndex/}}.
  2. A user can add or remove 'supporters'. On the speakerIndex page the existing information can be extended with a bio in multiple languages

This macro must be called from (nested below) a page with object "WaihonaCode.waihonapediaCampaignClass"

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