




 "Anyone can join in."
That is our core value, and that applies from young to old. This ambition motivates us in the development of products and services. Training and service are inextricably linked to our services. Our "Experiential Care" training courses have been specifically developed and V&VN has been accredited for 6 credits.

We offer well thought-out products in the areas of communication, stimulation, reminiscence and relaxation. Safe sleep and rest are also part of this. The product range is constantly being developed and our advisors will help you find the best solution free of charge.

The articles and services we offer are carefully selected and often manufactured in-house. The criteria for selection are clear from the start. Every product or service must contribute to the quality of life of people who need care. This can be social integration, development or individual relaxation. We believe that memory care is essential; it is just as important as eating and sleeping.

Since 1984, Barry Emons has been the market leader in the field of Experiential Care. Snoozing can be a part of that. Our bed range is ideal for all sleep, rest and racial challenges. We work at home and abroad, and we incorporate that experience into everything we do.

We hope that this site will inspire you, we are happy to be of service to you.

Eric Riegen

Barry Emons


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