Peter Martin


After Peter completed his PhD in Marburg, Berlin and Munich, he specialized in neurology and psychiatry in Zürich, Heidelberg and Freiburg. Working at the Centre for Epilepsy at Kehl-Kork, he was able to establish a special department for adults with intellectual disabilities in 2009 at the Séguin clinic and additionally, in 2013, a Medical Centre for Adults with Disabilities (MZEB).

As a Medical Director at Kehl-Kork, he also teaches students at Freiburg University faculty of medicine since 2005 and has been a professor and member of the faculty since 2014 .

Furthermore, he is one of the editors of the specialist journal „Inklusive Medizin“, a member of board of directors of several specialist associations for medicine for adults with disabilities (DGMGB, MAMH and D-A-CH-Inklusive Medizin) and of the advisory committee of the foundation „Leben pur“.


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