15:00-17:30 NeinJa

Present your current research projects, future plans and discuss them together with other experts!

  1. 15.00-15.15: Parma et al. - Cornelia de Lange Syndrome: analysis of a set of patients underwent to Nissen fundoplication 
  2. 15.15-15.30: Parma et al. - Cornelia de Lange Syndrome and nutritional problems: a new problem to be investigated 
  3. 15.45-16.00: Menke et al. - Grobal study: Developing Cornelia de Lange syndrome-specific growth charts for worldwide use 
  4. 15.30-15.45: Wessel & Wendt -Different flavors of cohesin complexes and their roles in Cohesinopathies 
  5. 16.00-16.15: Parodi et al. - Molecular mechanisms underlying neural development impairment in CdLS models

  6. 16.30-16.45: Krab et al. - Further delineation of phenotypes related to integral cohesin structural protein RAD21
  7. 16.45-17.00: Pablo et al. - Small fiber neuropathy in Cornelia de Lange Syndrome
  8. 17.00-17.15: Groves et al. - Prevalence and profile of anxiety symptomology in CdLS
  9. 17.15-17.30: Colombo et al. - Vaccinations in Cornelia de Lange Syndrome: preliminary data on 16 italian patients 

Redner und Unterstützer

Dr. Armand Bottani

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