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Cleft Lip and Palate


I have not seen any pictures of babies with cleft lips in all of the CdLS literature I've come across. Is it because it's not so common, or have the lips been repaired early enough before all the pictures were taken? My daughter also has a cleft palate, which I hear is fairly common.

Antwoord van onze experts

I would say that cleft lip with CdLS is extremely rare, although I have seen it on occasion. It's likelythat when it occurs it could even be unrelated (just by chance), and more likely if there were a family history of cleft lip and/or palate. I would encourage her to be managed by a local cleft palate team (sponsored by the state and usually affiliated with a hospital that has experience with children).

TK 7-13-10

I have not seen any children in my experiences with the CdLS patient population that have exhibited an isolated cleft lip. The clefting of the palate is quite common (20%).

TK 7-13-10

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Mond, neus en keel

De anesthesist moet zich bewust zijn van de potentiële problemen met intubatie bij individuen met CdLS.

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