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Failure to Thrive


What is the definition of failure to thrive? Is it an appropriate diagnosis for children with CdLS?

Antwoord van onze experts

Failure to thrive occurs in infants and children when the physical growth, especially weight gain, is less than peers (usually below 3rd to 5th percentile on growth charts or when there's been a downward change of the percentile on the growth charts). Since individuals with CdLS are known to be small in all parameters, I have never thought that Failure to Thrive (FTT) was an appropriate term. If a child with CdLS would start to fall off his or her CdLS growth percentiles, then he or she could have FTT within the context of CdLS. Reflux and poor feeding could be a cause

TK 7-13-10

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Groei tijdens de kindertijd

De groei van ieder kind met CdLS dient bewaakt te worden met gebruik van CdLS-specifieke groeicurves.

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