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Penis Size


My son is 13-years-old and seems to be starting puberty. He's had a growth spurt in the last 5 months, his physique is filling out and he is just starting to show signs of pubic hair. I am thinking about the future for him and hope for him to be able to enjoy all that life has to offer, but I am concerned that he may not be able to enjoy sexual intercourse, if that ever becomes an option, because his penis is less than 1 inch long when erect. Is this a characteristic of children with CdLS? Would growth hormones help increase the size of his penis?

Antwoord van onze experts

Micropenis is certainly seen in males with CdLS. To my knowledge, growth hormone does not increase the length of the penis much and his penis size should not affect his enjoyment of sexual intercourse. A pediatric endocrinologist would be the type of specialist to visit to find out more about hormonal treatment (sometimes they give injections of testosterone)

TK 7-13-10

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