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Submucous Cleft Palate Surgery


My son’s physician examined him properly and said he has a submucous cleft palate and shall require surgery. We are ready for the surgery but want to know about the chance of success and improved speech thereafter. I would be happy to know about any other alternate mode of treatment known.

Antwoord van onze experts

A submucous cleft palate is a cleft or opening in the bones of the palate, which is covered over by skin. In general, if the submucous cleft palate is causing problems, it needs to be repaired, although most of the time there is no issue. There is however a small risk of aspiration, potential pneumonia, speech problems, and other ENT-related issues

TK 7-13-10

In my experience submucous clefts need surgical closure in order for there to be an effective elimination of nasality

MG/ TK 7-13-10

Most children do benefit from a repair, especially if the cleft palate is rendering their speech excessively nasal. Benefits will also depend on the extent of the defect. It would be tough to make a judgment without actually seeing the child or listening to his speech. I would recommend having a speech pathology/craniofacial consult

CC/ TK 7-13-10

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