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XWiki Syntax Guide

XWiki Syntax 2.1

XWiki Syntax 2.1: All



2.1 Introduction

The XWiki Syntax 2.0 has proven to be quite useful and robust in general; however since its introduction a few shortcomings have been found. The corresponding improvements have been consolidated in XWiki Syntax 2.1. Some new features of this syntax are:

  • Homogenize the link and image syntax for better clarity, consistency and extensibility.
  • Added ability to display icons, to embed images via the Data URI scheme, to link to files using the UNC notation and to link to relative URLs.

Since XWiki Syntax 2.1 is based on XWiki Syntax 2.0 all syntax from XWiki Syntax 2.0 is valid unless the 2.1 specifications suggest differently.

General Remarks

2.0 General Remarks

XWiki Syntax 2.1 corrects some errors or ambiguous syntax entered by the user as shown in the examples in the table below.

DescriptionExample of invalid or ambiguous syntaxFixed XWiki Syntax 2.1
Unclosed text styles**bold**bold**
Two standalone elements not separated by 2 new lines| table cell
* list item
| table cell

* list item
Two standalone elements not separated by 2 new linesparagraph


Ignored new line at beginning of document<new line at beginning of document>
Not closed heading syntax=== heading=== heading ===

Other Syntaxes

1.0 Other Syntaxes

Other syntaxes are also available.



2.0 Paragraphs

Paragraphs are text elements separated by 2 or more new lines.

FeatureXWiki Syntax 2.1Result
Simple paragraphThis is a paragraphThis is a paragraph
Paragraph on multiple linesParagraph on
multiple lines
Paragraph on
multiple lines
Two paragraphsParagraph one

Paragraph two
Paragraph one

Paragraph two
Parametrized paragraph(% style="text-align:center;color:blue" %)
Centered and blue paragraph

Centered and blue paragraph
Different style on some portion of the paragraph contentparagraph with (% style="color:red" %)red(%%) different style insideparagraph with red texte inside


2.0 Headings

FeatureXWiki Syntax 2.1Result
Standard headings
= level 1 = 
== level 2 ==
=== level 3 ===
==== level 4 ====
===== level 5 =====
====== level 6 ======

level 1


level 2

level 3

level 4

level 5
level 6
Parameterized headings(% style="color:blue" %)
= heading =


Headings with XWiki Syntax=== Heading with **bold** ===

Heading with bold

Text Formatting

2.0 Text Formatting

FeatureXWiki Syntax 2.1Result
Striked out--strike--strike
Superscriptsome ^^superscript^^some superscript
Subscriptsome ,,subscript,,some subscript

Horizontal Line

2.0 Horizontal Line

There must be 4 or more dashes.

FeatureXWiki Syntax 2.1Result
Simple horizontal line----

Parametrized horizontal line
(% style="border-color:blue" %)


2.0 Lists

Some of the mentioned styles do not work on all browsers. For a comprehensive list follow this link.

FeatureXWiki Syntax 2.1Result
Bulleted list
* item 1
** item 2
*** item 3
* item 4
  • item 1
    • item 2
      • item 3
  • item 4
Numbered list
1. item 1
11. item 2
111. item 3
1. item 4
  1. item 1
    1. item 2
      1. item 3
  2. item 4
Mixed list
1. item 1
1*. item 2
1*. item 3
1. item 4
  1. item 1
    • item 2
    • item 3
  2. item 4
Square list
(% style="list-style-type: square" %)
* item 1
* item 2
  • item 1
  • item 2
Disc list
(% style="list-style-type: disc" %)
* item 1
* item 2
  • item 1
  • item 2
Lowercase Alphabetical list
(% style="list-style-type: lower-alpha" %)
* item 1
* item 2
  • item 1
  • item 2
Uppercase Alphabetical list
(% style="list-style-type: upper-alpha" %)
* item 1
* item 2
  • item 1
  • item 2
Lowercase Roman list
(% style="list-style-type: lower-roman" %)
* item 1
* item 2
  • item 1
  • item 2
Uppercase Roman list
(% style="list-style-type: upper-roman" %)
* item 1
* item 2
  • item 1
  • item 2
Lowercase Greek list
(% style="list-style-type: lower-greek" %)
* item 1
* item 2
  • item 1
  • item 2
Uppercase Greek list
(% style="list-style-type: upper-greek" %)
* item 1
* item 2
  • item 1
  • item 2
Hiragana list
(% style="list-style-type: hiragana" %)
* item 1
* item 2
  • item 1
  • item 2
Hiragana Iroha list
(% style="list-style-type: hiragana-iroha" %)
* item 1
* item 2
  • item 1
  • item 2
Katakana list
(% style="list-style-type: katakana" %)
* item 1
* item 2
  • item 1
  • item 2
Katakana Iroha list
(% style="list-style-type: katakana-iroha" %)
* item 1
* item 2
  • item 1
  • item 2
Armenian list
(% style="list-style-type: armenian" %)
* item 1
* item 2
  • item 1
  • item 2
Hebrew list
(% style="list-style-type: hebrew" %)
* item 1
* item 2
  • item 1
  • item 2
Georgian list
(% style="list-style-type: georgian" %)
* item 1
* item 2
  • item 1
  • item 2
CJK ideographic list
(% style="list-style-type: cjk-ideographic" %)
* item 1
* item 2
  • item 1
  • item 2

Definition Lists

2.0 Definition Lists

FeatureXWiki Syntax 2.1Result
Standard definition
; term
: definition
Nested definitions
; term 1
: definition 1
:; term 2
:: definition 2
term 1
definition 1
term 2
definition 2
Parametrized definition
(% style="color:blue" %)
; term
: definition

New Line/Line Breaks

2.0 New Line Line Breaks

A new line is a carriage return. A line break is a forced new line that can appear anywhere in the text.

FeatureXWiki Syntax 2.1Result
Line breakLine\\New lineLine
New line
New lineLine
New line
New line
FeatureXWiki Syntax 2.1Result
Absolute link to page PageB located in PageA[[PageA.PageB]]PageB
Relative link to page PageA from the current page[[PageA]] or [[.PageA]]PageA
Relative link to page PageB in PageA from the current page[[.PageA.PageB]]PageB
Link with a label

XWiki Syntax is supported inside link labels.

Link with wiki syntax in the label[[**bold label**>>PageA]]bold label
Link on an image[[image:PageA@img.png>>PageA]]img.png
Absolute link to page PageB located in PageA in wiki WikiA[[WikiA:PageA.PageB]]PageB
Link that opens in a new window[[PageA||target="_blank"]]PageA
Implicit link to a URLThis is a URL: https://xwiki.orgThis is a URL: https://xwiki.org
Explicit link to a URL[[https://xwiki.org]]https://xwiki.org
Explicit link to a URL with a label[[XWiki>>https://xwiki.org]]XWiki
Link to an email address[[john@smith.net>>mailto:john@smith.net]]john@smith.net
Link to an attachment on the current page[[attach:img.png]]img.png
Link to an attachment in a different page[[attach:PageA.PageB@img.png]]img.png
Link to an Anchor in a page[[PageA.PageB||anchor="anchor"]]PageB
Link to a Heading in a page

When you add a Heading, an anchor named "H" followed by the heading title with only alpha characters is created. For example, for a Heading named "My heading", the generated anchor will be "HMyheading".

Link to an anchor in the current page[[label>>||anchor="anchor"]]label
Link to a page with a query string[[PageA.PageB||queryString="param1=value1&param2=value2"]]PageB
Link to the current page with a query string[[label>>||queryString="param1=value1&param2=value2"]]label

XWiki Syntax 2.1 Link Specification

Legend: The parts in () are required, while the parts in [] are optional.

The full format of a link is [label>>] (resource) [||parameters]

  • label: An optional string which will be displayed to the user as the link name when rendered. The label may contain XWiki Syntax. If no label is specified a default label will be generated. The generation pattern can be changed, see the Admin Guide. Example: My Page
  • resource: A required string with the link reference in one of the following forms
    • URL: Any URL in the form of [url:](protocol://path). Examples: http://xwiki.org, url:https://svn.xwiki.org/
      • url: An optional string identifying the resource as an URL.
      • protocol://path: The URL itself
    • Wiki page: A reference in the form page:[(wikiName):](pageNameList). Examples: page:Page, page:myxwiki:Page, page:ParentPage.ChildPage.SubChildPage, page:../SiblingPage, page:./ChildPage
      • page: A required string identifying the resource as an XWiki page. The same reference can be used for either a terminal or non-terminal page, if both exist it will lead to the non-terminal page.
      • wikiName: An optional string containing the name of a wiki. The link will point to a page inside that  wiki. If no wiki is specified, the current wiki is used. Example: mywiki
      • pageNameList: A required list of slash-separated wiki Pages names pointing to the final linked wiki Page syntax. It's also possible to use . and .. to indicate current or parent page/wiki. Examples: Main, A/B, A/B/C, ../Sibling, ./Child
    • Wiki document: A reference in the form [doc:][[(wikiName):](spaceNameList).](documentName). Examples: doc:Welcome, doc:Main.Welcome, doc:mywiki:Main.Welcome, Welcome
      • doc: An optional string identifying the resource as an XWiki terminal page. A non-terminal page can also be referenced this way, but it must append its .WebHome part (e.g. doc:Sandbox.WebHome).
      • wikiName: An optional string containing the name of a wiki. The link will point to a page inside that wiki. If no wiki is specified, the current wiki is used. Example: mywiki.
      • spaceNameList: An optional dot-separated list of wiki Space names. If no space is specified the current space is used. Examples: Main, A.B, A.B.C
      • documentName: A required string containing the name of the linked wiki page. Example: Welcome
    • Wiki space: A reference in the form space:[(wikiName):](spaceNameList). Examples: space:Main, space:mywiki:Main, space:A.B.C
      • space: A required string identifying the resource as an XWiki non-terminal page (i.e. a space).
      • wikiName: An optional string containing the name of a wiki. The link will point to a page inside that wiki. If no wiki is specified, the current wiki is used. Example: mywiki
      • spaceNameList: A required list of dot-separated wiki Space names pointing to the final linked wiki Space (or non-terminal page). Examples: Main, A.B, A.B.C
    • InterWiki page: A reference in the form interwiki:[(interWikiAlias):](pageName). Example: interwiki:wikipedia:XWiki
      • interwiki: A required string identifying the resource as an InterWiki link.
      • interWikiAlias: An optional Inter Wiki alias as defined in the InterWiki Map (see the Admin Guide). Example: wikipedia
      • pageName: A required string containing the name of the linked page. Example: XWiki
    • Attachment: A reference in the form attach:{{{(wikiName):}(spaceNameList).}(pageName)@}(imageName)
      • attach: A required string identifying the reference as an XWiki Document attachment.
      • wikiName: An optional string containing the name of a wiki. The image reference will point to an image attached to a page inside that wiki. If no wiki is specified, the current wiki is used. Example: mywiki.
      • spaceNameList: An optional dot-separated list of wiki Space names. If no space is specified the current space is used. Examples: Main, A.B, A.B.C
      • pageName: An optional string containing the name of the wiki page to which the referenced image is attached. Example: Welcome
      • attachmentName: Name of the attachment as it is stored in the wiki. Example: photo.png
    • Page Attachment: A reference in the form pageAttach:{{{(wikiName):}(pageNameList)/}(imageName)
      • pageAttach: An required string identifying the reference as an XWiki Page attachment.
      • wikiName: An optional string containing the name of a wiki. The image reference will point to an image attached to a page inside that wiki. If no wiki is specified, the current wiki is used. Example: mywiki.
      • pageNameList: An optional dot-separated list of wiki page names. If no page is specified the current page is used. Examples: Main, A/B, A/B/C
      • attachmentName: Name of the attachment as it is stored in the wiki. Example: photo.png
    • Email address: A reference in the form mailto:(emailAddress) (#anchor is not valid). Example: mailto:john@smith.com
      • mailto: A required string identifying the resource as email.
      • emailAddress: Targeted email address. Example: john@smith.com
    • Relative path: A reference on the server in the form path:(relPath). Example: path:$doc.getURL('reset') produces target address http://server.domain.com/xwiki/bin/reset/Space/Page where /xwiki/bin/reset/Space/Page is produced by $doc.getURL('reset').
      • path: A required string identifying the resource as a relative path.
      • relPath: A required string containing the relative path of the resource on the server that shall be linked.
    • UNC (Windows Explorer): A reference in the form unc:(path). The link is rendered as a file:// link. Examples: unc:C:\Windows\, unc:\\myserver\path\img.png, unc:home/user/somefile
      • unc: A required string identifying the resource as a UNC (Windows Explorer) path.
      • path: A required string containing the local path of resource accessible by the user. Examples: C:\Windows\, \\myserver\path\img.png, home/user/somefile
    • Untyped: If none of the above-mentioned resource types are specified (i.e. no type: resource prefix was specified in the link), then the link will be treated as a link to an XWiki terminal or non-terminal page using the following algorithm:
      • Terminal page in the current space, only if it exists. Example: [[A]] is resolved to the equivalent of [[doc:currentSpace.A]]
      • Non-terminal page  in the current space. Example: [[A]] is resolved to the equivalent of [[space:currentSpace.A]], which is the equivalent of [[doc:currentSpace.A.WebHome]]
      • If the current page is non-terminal and the previous 2 checks above did not find an existing page, 2 additional checks are made:
        • Terminal page as sibling in the parent space, only if it exists. Example: The [[B]] link inside the non-terminal page A.C is resolved to the equivalent of [[doc:A.B]]
        • Non-terminal page as sibling in the parent space, regardless if it exists or not. Example: The [[B]] link inside the non-terminal page A.C is resolved to the equivalent of [[space:A.B]], which is the equivalent of [[doc:A.B.WebHome]]
      • Note1 - Absolute links: If the untyped link has 2 or more dot-separated components specified (i.e. that look like a space name and a page name), the above algorithm will resolve the page relative to the current wiki, and not the current space. Example: [[A.B]] can be resolved to either [[doc:currentWiki:A.B]] (if it exists) or to [[space:currentWiki:A.B]] (equivalent of [[doc:currentWiki:A.B.WebHome]]) and not to [[doc:currentWiki:currentSpace.A.B]] or [[doc:currentWiki:currentSpace.A.B.WebHome]].
      • Note2 - Special handling of .WebHome: If the untyped link ends in .WebHome, it will always be handled as a terminal page. Example: [[A.WebHome]] will always be resolved to the equivalent of [[doc:A.WebHome]] and not to [[doc:A.WebHome.WebHome]].
  • parameters: An optional list of space-separated parameters passed to the link. Example: queryString="mydata1=5&mydata2=Hello" anchor="HTableOfContents" target="_blank"
    • queryString: An optional query string for specifying parameters that will be appended to the link target address and used in the rendered URL. Example: url:http://domain.com/path||queryString="mydata1=5&mydata2=Hello" produces target address http://domain.com/path?mydata1=5&mydata2=Hello
    • anchor: An optional anchor name pointing to an anchor defined in the referenced link. Note that in XWiki anchors are automatically created for headings and images. Example: url:http://domain.com/path||anchor="HTableOfContents" produces target address http://domain.com/path#HTableOfContents
    • target: An optional parameter that allows to open link target in new window. Example: target="_blank"


2.0 Tables

Allows to easily create content in table format. Parameters for table, row or cell are also supported in XWiki Syntax 2.1.

FeatureXWiki Syntax 2.1Result
Standard table
|=Title 1|=Title 2
|Word 1|Word 2
!=Title 1!=Title 2
!!Word 1!!Word 2
Title 1Title 2
Word 1Word 2
Parametrized table
(% style="background-color:red;text-align:center" %)
|=Title 1|=(% style="background-color:yellow" %)Title 2
|Word 1|Word 2
Title 1Title 2
Word 1Word 2
Filterable Sortable table
$xwiki.jsfx.use("js/xwiki/table/tablefilterNsort.js", true)

(% class="grid sortable filterable doOddEven" id="tableid" %)
(% class="sortHeader" %)|=Title 1|=Title 2
|Cell 11|Cell 12
|Cell 21|Cell 22

For improved features see the Livetable Macro.

Title 1Title 2
Cell 11Cell 12
Cell 21Cell 22


2.1 Images

FeatureXWiki Syntax 2.1Result
Image from attachment on current pageimage:img.pngimg.png
Image from attachment on another pageimage:PageA.PageB@img.pngimg.png
Image with parameters[[image:img.png||width="25" height="25"]]img.png
Image with caption[[~[~[XWiki~>~>https://www.xwiki.org~]~] supports captions.>>image:img.png]]

XWiki supports captions.

Images located at URLimage:https://some/url/img.pngimg.png
Prepackaged Iconsimage:icon:acceptaccept

XWiki Syntax 2.1 Image Specification

Legend: The parts are () are required, while the parts in {} are optional.

The full format of an image is either image: (reference) or [[{caption>>}image: (reference) {||parameters}]]

  • caption: An optional caption. May contain arbitrary XWiki 2.1 syntax but nested link syntax must be escaped using ~. The caption is only supported when the image syntax is the only content of a paragraph. The captioned image may also be wrapped in a link. In this case, the link will contain the image but not the caption.
  • image: A required string identifying the resource as image.
  • reference: The reference to the image that shall be displayed in one of the following forms:
    • URL: Any URL to an image in the form of [url:](protocol://path/imageName). Example: http://domain.org/path/img.png
      • url: An optional string identifying the image as an URL.
      • protocol://path/imageName: The URL to the image
    • Attachment: A reference in the form [attach:]{{{(wikiName):}(spaceNameList).}(pageName)@}(imageName)
      • attach: An optional string identifying the reference as an XWiki Document attachment.
      • wikiName: An optional string containing the name of a wiki. The image reference will point to an image attached to a page inside that wiki. If no wiki is specified, the current wiki is used. Example: mywiki.
      • spaceNameList: An optional dot-separated list of wiki Space names. If no space is specified the current space is used. Examples: Main, A.B, A.B.C
      • pageName: An optional string containing the name of the wiki page to which the referenced image is attached. Example: Welcome
      • imageName: A required string containing the name of the image attached to a page as it is stored in the wiki. Example: myImage.png
    • Page Attachment: A reference in the form pageAttach:{{{(wikiName):}(pageNameList)/}(imageName)
      • pageAttach: An required string identifying the reference as an XWiki Page attachment.
      • wikiName: An optional string containing the name of a wiki. The image reference will point to an image attached to a page inside that wiki. If no wiki is specified, the current wiki is used. Example: mywiki.
      • pageNameList: An optional dot-separated list of wiki page names. If no page is specified the current page is used. Examples: Main, A/B, A/B/C
      • imageName: A required string containing the name of the image attached to a page as it is stored in the wiki. Example: myImage.png
    • Icon: A reference in the form icon:(iconName). Example: icon:accept
      • icon: A required string identifying the image reference as an icon from the XWiki Icon Set.
      • iconName: A required string identifying the icon referenced. Example: accept
    • Data URI: A reference in the form (data:)(content). Example: 
      • data: A required string identifying the image as being specified inline using the Data URI scheme.
      • content: The encoded image. Example: image/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAUAAAAFCAYAAACNbyblAAAAHElEQVQI12P4//8/w38GIAXDIBKE0DHxgljNBAAO9TXL0Y4OHwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==
  • parameters: An optional list of space-separated parameters passed to the image. Example: width="800" height="600" alt="img.png" title="My nice image"
    • HTML attributes: All attributes defined by the HTML standard will be added to the rendered HTML <img> tag.
      • style: CSS style information that should be applied to the image. Examples: style="float:right;height:50" (image on right side, height 50 px), style="display:block;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;width:80%" (image centered, width 80% of block width), style="vertical-align:bottom" (text starts at bottom of picture)
      • height: A parameter that defines the height of the displayed image. The value should be presented either in pixel (example: height="80") or in pixel related to the height of the block containing the image (example: height="40%").
      • width: A parameter that defines the width of the displayed image. The value should be presented either in pixel (example: width="80") or in pixel related to the width of the block containing the image (example: width="40%").
      • title: A parameter that defines the title the displayed image which will be visible when hovering the mouse trigger over the image, for instance. Example: title="My nice image"
      • alt: A parameter that defines which text should be displayed if the browser is not able to display the image. Since this is a required HTML attribute XWiki will use the file name instead if the alt parameter is not defined. Example: alt="img.png"
      • More: A more in depth explanation on the HTML <img> tag including more attributes can be reviewed in the HTML standard.
    • queryString: Allows queries to be passed to the server when creating the download link for the referenced image. Example: queryString="width=100&height=800&keepAspectRatio=true" (keepAspectRatio=true will fail if the width and height parameters are specified in addition to queryString!)



2.0 Verbatim

Allow to enter content that will not be formatted (in other words the XWiki Syntax will not be taken into account).

FeatureXWiki Syntax 2.1Result
Verbatim inlineSome verbatim {{{**[[not rendered]]**}}} contentSome verbatim **[[not rendered]]** content
Verbatim block
multi line
multi line


2.0 Quotations

Allows to quote some text.

FeatureXWiki Syntax 2.1Result
Simple quote
> john said this
I said ok

 john said this

I said ok

Nested quotes
> john said this
>> marie answered that
I said ok

 john said this

 marie answered that

I said ok


2.0 Groups

Groups can be used to insert another document inline directly into the current document. This allows for example to insert complex elements or style inside a list item, inside a table cell or a paragraph. Groups are delimited by the following syntactic elements: (((...))). One Group can contain another Group and there is no limit of imbrication.

XWiki Syntax 2.1Result
|=Header 1|=Header 2|=Header 3
|Cell One|(((
= Embedded document =

Some embedded paragraph.

* list item one
* list item two
  ** sub-item 1
  ** sub-item 2
))) | Cell Three

Next paragraph in the top-level document
Header 1Header 2Header 3
Cell One

Embedded document

Some embedded paragraph.

  • list item one
  • list item two
    • sub-item 1
    • sub-item 2
 Cell Three

Next paragraph in the top-level document

(% class="myClass" style="color:blue" %)(((blue paragraphs

inside myClass)))

blue paragraphs

inside my group


2.0 Escapes

Allows to escape XWiki Syntax.

FeatureXWiki Syntax 2.1Result
Escape a character

This is not a ~[~[link~]~]
To enter a ~ character use a double escape: ~~

This is not a [[link]]
Escape longer text
(also see "Verbatim")
{{{ some **longer** text //without// formatting}}} some **longer** text //without// formatting


2.0 Parameters

With XWiki Syntax 2.1 it's possible to pass parameters to the different syntax elements and also to blocks of text. This is used for example to style them. You can set any parameter key/value pair you want. The XHTML renderer will pass these parameters as XHTML attributes to the underlying XHTML representation of the different syntax elements.

XWiki Syntax 2.1Generated XHTML
(% class="myClass" style="myStyle" id="myId" %)
= heading =
<h1 class="myClass" style="myStyle" id="myId">heading</h1>



2.0 Macros

There is only one kind of macro in XWiki Syntax 2.1, which is called by the syntax: {{macroname param1="value1" ... paramN="valueN"}}...{{/macroname}}. For macros without content there's a short notation: {{macroname param1="value1" ... paramN="valueN"/}}

FeatureXWiki Syntax 2.1Result
Rendering Macro with a content
{{code language="java"}}
System.out.println("Hello World!");
System.out.println("Hello World!");
Rendering Macro without content

{{include reference="Space.Page"/}}

The referenced page is included in the current page

For the full list of available macros check the Extensions wiki.

Macros in this wiki

tocInhoudsopgaveNavigatieInhoudsopgave genereren.Global
mentionUser MentionNotificationsInsert a user mention.Current Wiki
showRecommendationsShow recommendations for a topicdocumentsThis Macro shows the recommendations for a topicGlobal
attachmentGalleryPickerAttachment PickerOntwikkelingGrid based attachment picker.Global
showDreamshowDreamcampaignThis macro will visualize a dream specified in a WaihonaPedia format.Global
warningWaarschuwingsmeldingVormgevingToont een waarschuwingsmelding.Global
campaignButtonscampaignButtonscampaignThis macro can only be used in combination with a campaignObjectGlobal
livevalidationFormatLiveValidationFormatOntwikkelingValidates that XObject property value against a regular expression.Current Wiki
latestNewsItemsShow latest news itemsThis macro will show the latest news items for a given supportgroup
livevalidationEmailLiveValidationEmailOntwikkelingValidates that XObject property value is a valid email address.Current Wiki
sectionDividersectionDividerpage contentAdd a Section divider to a page.

It will create a clear separation between two page sections|Global

closingBeautyclosingBeautycampaignShow a nice section with three images with text overlays to inspireGlobal
questionnaireHeaderCreate questionnaire headerCreates a columnheader for the questionnaire. The only parameter is a comma seperated list of items to be placed in the columnheader, from left (first) to right (last).Current Wiki
activationImageLeftActivation image with callout on the leftactivationThis macro will create a image with a title and a callout for your communityGlobal
successSuccesmeldingVormgevingToont een succesmelding.Global
topicNavigationDemotopic navigationDemoNavigatieThis macro will present a navigation area where the selected topic (it's title) and the entity (information, questions, stories) you are browsing.

If you do not supply a topicKey (optional, default) it will look for a topicKey, based on the entity selected on your current page|Global

templateTemplateOntwikkelingInsert a template.Global
notificationsAutoWatchPreferencesNotifications Auto Watch PreferencesNotificationsDisplay the preferences of the current user about auto watched pages.Current Wiki
memberDescrShow membershipsCurrent Wiki
waihonaAttachmentSelectorWaihona Attachment SelectorA control to be used for object properties of the current document that are supposed to contain the name of an attachment from the current (or target) document. Allows uploading new attachments, and deleting attachments from the target document.  If no target document is specified, the current document will be used. Object properties are only saved to the current document.Current Wiki
showPagesFromCollectionsshowPagesFromCollectionscampaignThis macro requires a page-reference and it will get the objects of class pageCollection. For each object it will create a list of tilesGlobal
useTitleOfPageuseTitleOfPagecontentSpecify a reference of a page and get the title in plain Text to use in your contentGlobal
waihonaPediaPartnersWaihonaPedia Partner organizationscontentShow partner organizations for a WaihonaPedia PartnerCurrent Wiki
topicNavigationtopic navigationNavigatieThis macro will present a navigation area where the selected topic (it's title) and the entity (information, questions, stories) you are browsing.

If you do not supply a topicKey (optional, default) it will look for a topicKey, based on the entity selected on your current page|Global

blogPostLayoutCardsCards Blog Post LayoutThis macro is used to display a blog post using the 'Cards' layoutCurrent Wiki
useravatarAvatar GebruikerInhoudToont de avatar van een specifieke gebruiker.Global
researchHeaderHeader for research pagesresearchThis macro will show if the user is participating with research or otherwise will invite the user to participateGlobal
wikisWiki'sNavigatieToon alle wiki'sCurrent Wiki
showSliderShow sliderdocumentsThis macro will take a page reference and show attached images as a slideshow. There will be a generic label overlaid on the imagesGlobal
waihonaAddPageAdd PageThis macro that will put a "create page button" with option to set Space and PageCurrent Wiki
cacheCacheOntwikkelingCaches inhoud.Global
createCitationsStructurecreateCitationsStructurecampaignA macro to create and maintain a citation structure displayed in a Caroussel displayerGlobal
supportGroupLeaderssupportGroupLeaderssupportgroupShow the community representatives, experts and volunteersGlobal
includePublicQuestionincludePublicQuestioncontentThis macro will display a Privat articleGlobal
figureTypeRecognizerFigure Type RecognizerInternalInternal macro used to recognize the type of a figure.Global
getTextbyClassgetTextbyClassCdLSGet Paragraph from a page that is marked with a classGlobal
iconDecoratedTileiconDecoratedTileshowThis macro will show a tile decorated with the icon you specify (Font awesome)Global
pdfviewerPDF ViewerInhoudPDF Viewer based on Mozilla pdf.jsCurrent Wiki
showCollectionOfTilesshowCollectionOfTilespageThis macro will show a collection of tiles providing you specify the macro at least one timeGlobal
lightboxLightbox ImageInhoudAdd a click-enlargeable image. Global
showWaihonaPediaGroupshowWaihonaPediaGroupuserShow users in a group, see the groups in adminGlobal
iconPickerIcon PickerOntwikkelingSelect an icon within the XWiki icon set.Current Wiki
healthSystemIconhealthSystemIcon labeliconThis macro will show a icon for a heart-system partGlobal
wikimacrocontentWikiMacro ContentOntwikkelingDisplay editable content of a wikimacro.Global
emoEmoticon MacroInhoudInserts an emoticon into the content.
blockScheduleManagementblockScheduleManagementcampaignThis macro will show the program in lowest level of detail (called 'blocks')
Each block will be planned under a certain day of a certain campaign-part
Each block will have a time slot that is linked to the 'start' of the day
Each Block can have a chair and one or more supporters (can be a speaker)
Each Block will have a title and a description
You can add specific blocks for Breaks of Dinner
sectionSectionA macro to enclose columned textGlobal
messageSenderBerichten VersturenSocialEen besturingselement waarmee gebruikers berichten kunnen verzenden die worden afgehandeld door de Berichtenstroom module.Current Wiki
playVideoTileplayVideoTilenavigationA tile with Video image as header and text from a page specified.Global
WelcomeScreenWelcome ScreencontentThis macro is used to display the Welcome Screen for new users. The macro visibility is Global and it can be used on any page on this wiki. The macro does not define any parameters.Global
childrenChildrenNavigatieDisplays a tree of children pages of the current pageCurrent Wiki
livetablelivetablenavigationDisplays a standard livetable for a specific XWiki class and the chosen fieldsGlobal
showUsersWithExpertiseNetworkshowUsersWithExpertiseNetworkThis macro show all the waihonapedia users within a network of orgs associated to a diseaseGlobal
displayTonenInhoudAndere pagina in de huidige pagina tonen.Global
translationTranslationInhoudDisplay a translation message.Global
greetUserRegistrationgreetUserRegistrationWaihonaThis will greet the just registered user in a informal way with first nameGlobal
addStoryButtonaddStoryButtonstoriesThis macro will add a button that will help you to write a introduction story about your WaihonaGlobal
infoInformatiemeldingVormgevingToont een informatiemelding.Global
createVideoLayercreateVideoLayercampaignThis macro can create a page structure that can be viewed as a 'Video' block on a pageGlobal
documentTreePage TreeNavigatieDisplays the tree of XWiki pages.Current Wiki
tagcloudTagwolkInhoudToont de wolk van Tags in deze wiki of in de opgegeven paginaruimte.Current Wiki
activityActiviteitenNotificationsDe Activiteiten-macro geeft informatie over recente activiteiten van gebruikers binnen de XWiki-instantie. De macro toont de maak-, wijzig- en verwijder-gebeurtenissen van pagina's, opmerkingen, bijlagen en annotaties.Current Wiki
3thumbnails3 ThumbnailsdisplayThis macro will make a row of 3 images that can each have a caption, a smal text and a button to link Current Wiki
showGroupEventButtonsshowGroupEventButtonsmoderatorThis will offer moderators a option to add events on behalf of their communityGlobal
livevalidationPresenceLiveValidationPresenceOntwikkelingValidates that XObject property value is present (ie. not null, undefined, or an empty string)Current Wiki
commentCommentaarOntwikkelingPlaatst commentaar in de bron-inhoud. Deze macro geeft geen output.Global
showEventSupportersshowEventSupporterscampaignThis macro will, when inside a tree of a campaign, show the supporters for that campaignGlobal
showGroupsHTMLTableshowGroupsHTMLTableThis macro will show a tablethat lists all support groups of this waihonapedia, filtered on 'member' and displaying geographies names (e.g. countries), the logo, the name by supportgroup nameGlobal
galleryGalerieLayoutToont de afbeeldingen uit de opgegeven inhoud in een slideshow.Global
campaignDisplaySchedulecampaignDisplaySchedulecampaignThis macro will display a schedule if the campaign it refers to has a schedule definedGlobal
uiextensionUI ExtensionOntwikkelingInsert a UI extension.Global
notificationsSystemFiltersPreferencesNotifications System Filters PreferencesNotificationsDisplay the preferences of the given user about system notification filters.Current Wiki
figureFigureOntwikkelingTag content as an illustration and with an optional caption.Global
putFootnotesVoetnoten opnemenInhoudToont de geplaatste voetnoten. Als deze ontbreekt, worden alle voetnoten standaard getoond aan het einde van de pagina.Global
attachmentSelectorBijlagekiezerOntwikkelingEen besturingselement dat wordt gebruikt voor object properties van het huidige document die de naam bevatten van een bijlage bij het huidige (of doel-) document. Maakt het mogelijk bijlagen te uploaden naar en verwijderen van het doel-document. Als geen doel-document is opgegeven, wordt het huidige document gebruikt. Object properties worden alleen opgeslagen in het huidige document.Current Wiki
includePrivatArticlesincludePrivatArticlescontentThis macro will display a Privat articleGlobal
serviceLabelService labelPage contentThis macro will show a label for one of the WaihonaPedia services.Global
livevalidationCustomLiveValidationCustomOntwikkelingValidates a XObject property value using a custom remote XWiki document that should returns "true" when valid or "false" when not valid, based on the field value and the property reference.Current Wiki
menuMenuNavigatieDisplays a menu created using simple wiki syntax (nested lists and links).Global
upgradingupgradingwarningThis macro will show a message that something is being upgradedGlobal
callToActioncallToActionpage contentGlobal
documentsDocumentenInhoudToont een lijst met documenten in een LivetableCurrent Wiki
citationCitationCitation MacroGlobal
quoteQuoteVormgevingDisplays inline text with special quote formatting.Global
groovyGroovyOntwikkelingGroovy-script uitvoeren.Global
footnoteVoetnootInhoudMaakt een voetnoot die aan het eind van de pagina wordt getoond.Global
generalHealthgeneralHealthinformationThis macro will present a list of Health attention points for a given diseaseGlobal
waihonaHomeRedirectNotApprovedwaihonaHomeRedirectNotApprovedThis will display a computed homescreen based on the User. E.g: it will display different screens for guest, notApproved, etc
It will under certain conditions redirect
Current Wiki
showCentresOfExpertiseshowCentresOfExpertisecommunityThis macro will show a list of centre of expertiseGlobal
flagShow country flagShow an image of the country specified in the parameter countrycode. The image has the class 'flag'. Additional parameter is the size (square) of the image.Current Wiki
overviewBySupportGroupoverviewBySupportGroupsupportgroupsThis macro will show a list of supportgroeps and for each group how many families and/or experts have joined this WaihonapediaGlobal
showSupportGroupsInlineshowSupportGroupsInlineThis macro will show a sentence that lists all support groups of this waihonapedia, filtered on 'member' and displayed as geographies names (e.g. countries) or supportgroup nameGlobal
textToLeadtextToLeadtextThis macro will style;e the contained text as 'lead-text', especially useful as a introduction to your article!Global
exampleExampleVormgevingShows an example and its source code.Current Wiki
textWithQualifiersTextbox with two qualifiersdocumentsThis text box allows to specify if the text is validated and for which regions the text is checkedGlobal
blogPostLayoutImageBlog Post Layout ImageThis macro is used to display a full blog post with a thumbnail imageCurrent Wiki
campaignScheduleOverviewcampaignScheduleOverviewcampaignThis macro will show the parts of the programGlobal
asyncAsync macroInhoudExecute asynchronously and/or cache the macro content.Global

This macro will take a Dimension or Topic code and give you the translated text of title or description
It will take three params; Dimension or Topic, Key of the samen and if you want title or content.

The output is text;

  • when title is requested it can be used inline
  • when content is requested this macro will use a {{include reference='xxxx'/}} macro
{{dimTopicText type='dimension' key='acPGenitals' output='title'/}}

 Genitale afwijkingen

figureCaptionFigure CaptionOntwikkelingProvide a figure caption when used inside the Figure macro.Global
spaceindexPaginaruimte OverzichtDeprecatedToont de documenten van een paginaruimte.Current Wiki

This macro must be called within a nested page structure where the top page has an object of class 'waihonapediaCampaignClass'.

It will inspect/populate the property 'speakers'.

  1. A user can decide to extend te speaker information (this will create two pages; nested below the campaign page, speakers.WebHome and speakers.speakerindex).
    1. .speakers.WebHome will have the macro {{showEventSupporters/}}.
    2. .speakers.speakerIndex will have the macro {{eventSupporterIndex/}}.
  2. A user can add or remove 'supporters'. On the speakerIndex page the existing information can be extended with a bio in multiple languages

This macro must be called from (nested below) a page with object "WaihonaCode.waihonapediaCampaignClass"

iconFont Awesome iconIconsInserts a Font Awesome iconGlobal
spacesPaginaruimtenDeprecatedToont alle paginaruimten in deze wiki.Current Wiki
errorFoutmeldingVormgevingToont een foutmelding.Global
greetUsergreetUserWaihonaThis will greet the user in a informal way with first nameGlobal
attachmentSelectorCdlsAttachment Selector CDLSA control to be used for object properties that are supposed to contain the name of an attachement of the containing document.Global
workspacesWerkruimten (Legacy)DeprecatedDeprecated macro that should not be used here for compatibility reasons. Please use the "wikis" macro instead.Current Wiki
savedlistexportappSaved List Exporter ApplicationExportThis application allows to export multiple pages into a single XAR archive file, and to save the list of the pages that you want to export.Global

This macro will show a citation slider, if it is created according to the WaihonaPedia citations slider structure!

  {{showCitationsSlider sliderPageRef="cdlsPublications.memoriesCitations.memoriesSlider" sliderID='memories' sliderCSSClass="memories" /}}
contextContextOntwikkelingVoert inhoud uit in de context van het doorgegeven documentGlobal
pdftocPDF Table of ContentsInternalGenerates the table of contents for the PDF export.Global
livevalidationLiveValidationOntwikkelingProvides client-side live validation of a single XObject based on the validation expressions and messages defined in its XClass.Current Wiki
liveDataLive DataInhoudDisplay dynamic lists of data.Global
rssRSSInhoudRecente RSS-items tonen uit een RSS feed.Global
chartGrafiekInhoudToont een uit grafiek die uit verschillende bronnen kan worden gegenereerdGlobal
explainHeaderexplainHeaderexplainThis macro will show the pageHeader as a. block in your textGlobal
infoPersonWithSyndromeinfoFPersonWithSyndromeWaihonaThis macro allows to insert friendly text about person with syndrome to write personalized text
- Name
- First Name
- Syndrome
- Gender
- Date of Birth
- page
- Avatar photo file
containerContainerLayoutEen macro waarmee meerdere groepen kunnen worden ingesloten en opgemaakt, zoals layout.Global
pythonPythonOntwikkelingPython-script uitvoeren.Global
scriptScriptOntwikkelingScript uitvoeren in de geleverde script-taal.Global
showCdLSAssociationLogoShow CdLS association logoShow CdLS association logo with association name as tooltip. The only parameter is a 2-character language code (NL,ES,EN).Current Wiki
displayIconIconInhoudDisplay an icon.Global
exportResearchToCSVExport research data to CSVThis will take all questionnaires within a research and export it to a CSV (Comma separated) File in your download folder on your computerGlobal
parentschildrenlivetableParents and Children LivetableDisplay a livetable containing one level of parent-children granularity, where parent is defined by a document in the given space that is not the space home page, has no parent or it's parent is the space home page.Current Wiki
showPageMetaInfoshow meta information of the pagedocumentsGlobal
dashboardDashboardLayoutEen macro voor het maken van een Dashboard, samengesteld uit gadgets.Global
uiextensionsUI ExtensionsOntwikkelingInsert UI extensions.Global
cboxCitationBox MacroInhoudThis is a generic macro that allows a styled "citation" box around wiki content.
Current Wiki
clientSideUpdateUpdate classObject without reloading pageUpdate classObject without reloading page.Current Wiki
blogPostLayoutCompactBlog Post Layout CompactThis macro is used to display a full blog post in a compact modeCurrent Wiki
activationImageCentreActivation image with callout below the imageactivationThis macro will create a image with a title and a callout for your communityGlobal
notificationsCustomFiltersPreferencesNotifications Custom Filters PreferencesNotificationsDisplay the preferences of the given user about custom notification filters.Current Wiki
addSubTitleaddSubTitlePage writingThis macro allows an author to add subTitles to a page titleGlobal
galleryOfPhotosgalleryOfPhotosphotosThis macro will show a gallery of Photos. By feeding it with an array of descriptions each photo can have a captionGlobal
jobJobOntwikkelingExecute the macro content asynchronously and display progress.Global
pinAvatarpinAvatartextThis macro will insert a comment-pin with a avatar inline ; at the start of a paragraph of text, somewhere in the lines of text or at the end of the paragraphGlobal
notificationsFiltersPreferencesNotifications Filters Preferences (deprecated)NotificationsDisplay the preferences of the current user about notification filters.
This macro is now deprecated in favor of Custom Notifications Filters Preferences or System Notifications Filters Preferences.
Current Wiki
notificationsNotificationsNotificationsDisplay notifications about events happened on the wiki.Current Wiki
velocityVelocityOntwikkelingVelocity-script uitvoeren.Global
waihonapediaUserListwaihonapediaUserListotherThis macro will pick X users from this wiki's users and present them as a set of thumbnails.
For ach user it will show:
  • Foto
  • Role in context (optional, depending on context or param)
  • Name of the user
  • Descriptive in context (# nr of shared...) (optional, depending on context NOT on Param)
  • Relation (e.g parent of child or doctor at hospital) (optional, depending on context or param)
wikimacroparameterWikiMacro ParameterOntwikkelingDisplay editable parameter of a wikimacro.Global
shareonShare pageShare the page on social media.Global
waihonaPartnersPartner organizationsInhoudShow partner organizations of a support groupCurrent Wiki
codeCodeVormgevingMarkeer code-fragmenten van verschillende programmeertalenGlobal
eventSupporterIndexeventSupporterIndexcampaignThis macro will show a index of users that support a campaign (event)Global
idIdNavigatieMaakt het mogelijk een referentie/locatie in een pagina te maken. In HTML wordt dit bijvoorbeeld een Anker genoemd. Het maakt het mogelijk te verwijzen naar die lokatie, bijvoorbeeld in links.Global
includeOpnemenInhoudNeem andere pagina's op in de huidige pagina.Global
blogPostLayoutFullBlog Post Layout FullThis macro is used to display a full blog postCurrent Wiki
gdprSettingsGdpr settingsGet what kind of cookies the current user has consented to. (preferences, statistics or marketing)Current Wiki
bannerImagebannerImagecontentThis macro will display the specified image (optionally with pageRef) at 100% widthGlobal
boxRechthoekVormgevingTeken een rechthoek om de betreffende inhoud.Global
questionnaireHeaderNewCreate questionnaire header in table formatCreates a columnheader for the questionnaire. The only parameter is a comma seperated list of items to be placed in the columnheader, from left (first) to right (last).Current Wiki
videoVideoInhoudDisplay in your wiki page any video from Youtube, Dailymotion, Google Video or Vimeo.

Also play a video attached to your wiki page using Video.js library. mp4, webm and ogv formats are supported.

The video macro can also plays a DASH video (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP).|Global

showBreadCrumbNavigationshow BreadCrumb for NavigationNavigatieMacro will allow to generate a breadcrumb for easy navigating Global
showSupportGroupsTableshowSupportGroupsTableThis macro will show a tablethat lists all support groups of this waihonapedia, filtered on 'member' and displaying geographies names (e.g. countries), the logo, the name by supportgroup nameGlobal
columnColumndeclares a column in a columned sectionGlobal
showModalShow modal dialognavigationShow a modal dialog that must be closed before continue
Based on standard Bootstrap Modal
pageNavigationPage Navigation (sticky)pageThis macro will show a one-level Table of Content of the current page.
It will offer smooth rolling to any header of the selected level
userprofileUser profileDisplays basic information for the specified user by section.
Also contains a tooltip-like menu with 3 actions:
 - edit profile (viewable by admin only)
 - view profile
 - delete profile (viewable by admin only)
Current Wiki
showPersonalShow text from personal informationTextTHis allows you to write text and merging your personal information like the name of your child in your text
Note that if others will read your text the personal information of the reader is used!
treeTreeNavigatieDisplays a tree hierarchy defined by the macro content or the source parameter.Global
blogsAlle Blogs LivetableDe blogs macro wordt gebruik om in een livetabel een lijst te tonen met alle blogs beschikbaar op de wiki.Current Wiki
showPageAsTileshowPageAsTiledocumentThis macro will show a page reference as a tile. Global
makeNiceDateDate makeup from class objectMacro for changing a string value date from a class object (even if it's encapsulated in a HTML macro) to an arbitrary made up date.

Inline use:
Failed to execute the [velocity] macro. Cause: [begin 0, end -1, length 0]. Click on this message for details.

Located at: 'WaihonaMacros.makeNiceDate'|Global

threeImagesCampaignthreeImagesCampaignCampaignCampaigns have the option to add a layer with 3 images (specify in the campaign page)

If your page has NO campaign Object you can specify the three images below...|Global


This macro will show the text from a questionaire;

  • The title
  • One of the questions
  • One of the options (when question is List)

For this you need to specify three params

  1. Code of the questionairre
  2. Property code of the question, specify empty to get Name of Questionairre
  3. Option code, specify empty
  {{textOfQuestionairre listCode='qvo'/}}
  {{textOfQuestionairre listCode='qvo' questionCode='l9' /}}
  {{textOfQuestionairre listCode='qvo' questionCode='l9' optionCode='1' /}}


  Hoe communiceer je met je kind?

  Bijna alleen met woorden (verbaal)

tableToJsonTransform a table into JsonVisualizationA table allows normal users to structure information into columns and rows
This structure can be input for data analysis or visualization and on WaihonaPedia we standardize on Json
notificationsEmailPreferencesNotifications Email PreferencesNotificationsDisplay the preferences of the current user about notification emails.Current Wiki
blogPostLayoutWaiCardsWaihonaPedia Cards Blog Post LayoutThis macro is used to display a blog post using the 'Cards' layoutCurrent Wiki
blogPostLayoutLinkBlog Post Layout LinkThis macro is used to display a blog post as a simple linkCurrent Wiki
exportResearchToPrintExport research data to PrintThis will take all questionnaires within a research and export it to a Print formatted HTML page.Global
contentContentInhoudAllows writing content in any wiki markupGlobal
htmlHTMLOntwikkelingVoegt HTML of XHTML code in in de pagina.Global
officeOffice Document ViewerInhoudBekijk office-bijlagen (doc, ppt, xls, odt, odp, ods etc.) binnen een wiki-pagina zonder deze te downloaden of importeren.Global
showSubCentresOfExpertiseshowSubCentresOfExpertisecommunityThis macro will show a list of centre of expertise based on decreesGlobal
livevalidationConfirmationLiveValidationConfirmationOntwikkelingValidates that XObject property value match another field of the form.Current Wiki

This macro can be supplied with a list of pages and these pages will then be rendered to an accordeon (see below)

{{showAccordeonFromPages accordeonID='checklist1' accordeonTitle='Checklist met Diagnose Criteria' bannerDocRef = 'cdlsPublications.diagnosisPictures' bannerDropDownDocRef='' panelDocRefsList='cdlsPublications.toDiagnosis,cdlsPublications.facialFeatures,cdlsPublications.majorCriteria,cdlsPublications.minorCriteria'/}}

Checklist met Diagnose Criteria

  Positieve CdLS mutatie bij moleculaire gen-test; OF
  Gezichts kenmerken en vastgestelde criteria bij minstens twee belangrijke categorien (groei, ontwikkeling of gedrag); OF
  Gezichts kenmerken en vastgestelde criteria bij tenminste één belangrijke categorie EN twee overige categorie (Majeur en Mineur)


De wenkbrauwen lopen door boven de neus; en drie of meer van de volgende:
Lange wimpers
Korte neus, gedraaide neusgaten
Lange, opvallend gebied tussen bovenlip en neus
Brede of lagere neusbrug
Smalle of vierkante kin
Dunne lippen, omlaag gerichte hoeken
Hoog gehemelte
Breed ruimte tussen tanden of ontbrekende tanden

Belangrijkste Criteria

 Groei ( > twee of meer van de volgende)
Gewicht is lager dan 5 percentile voor die leeftijd
Lengte is kleiner dan 5 percentile voor die leeftijd
Diameter (omtrek) van het hoofd kleiner dan 5 percentile voor die leeftijd
 Ontwikkeling ( >  of meer van de volgende)
Ontwikkeling achterstand of verstandelijke handicap, met spraak meer achtergebleven in vergelijk met beweging vaardigheden
Leer achterstand
 Gedrag ( > twee  of meer van de volgende)
Concentratie problemen en hyperactiviteit
Dwangmatig en Impulsieve gedragingen
Constant rond kijken en 
Zelf-verwondend gedrag
Extreme verlegenheid of terug getrokken
Autistisch-achtig gedrag

Secundaire Criteria

 Ledematen (> een of meer van de volgende)
Missende arm of onderarm
 Drie of meer van de volgende OF kleine handen en voeten EN/OF missende kootjes met twee of meer van het volgende:
Gebogen 5e vinger
Afwijkende palm crease
Dislocated elbow/abnormal elbow extension
Kort 1e kootje / proximaal geplaatste duim
eeltknobbel onder grote teen
Gedeeltelijke vergroeing tussen 2e en 3e tenen
Borst- of sternum misvorming
Heup dislocatie of dysplasie
 Neurosensory/Skin (three or more of the following)
Slijmerige ooglid (en)
Misvormd traankanaal of ontsteking van het ooglid
Flinke misvorming van oog of peripapillair
Doofheid of gehoorverlies
Epileptische aanvallen
Gevlekte huiduitstraling
Overmatig lichaamshaar
Kleine tepels en / of navel
 Other major systems (three or more of the following)
Maagdarm misvorming / malrotatie
Diafragmatische breuk
Gastro-oesofageale reflux
Gehemelte spleet of submucous gespleten gehemelte
Gespleten verhemelte of submucous gespleten verhemelte
Abnormaal geplaatste opening van urethra op penis
Niet ingedaalde teelballen
Nier- of urineweg misvorming

2e Checklist met Diagnose Criteria

  Positieve CdLS mutatie bij moleculaire gen-test; OF
  Gezichts kenmerken en vastgestelde criteria bij minstens twee belangrijke categorien (groei, ontwikkeling of gedrag); OF
  Gezichts kenmerken en vastgestelde criteria bij tenminste één belangrijke categorie EN twee overige categorie (Majeur en Mineur)


De wenkbrauwen lopen door boven de neus; en drie of meer van de volgende:
Lange wimpers
Korte neus, gedraaide neusgaten
Lange, opvallend gebied tussen bovenlip en neus
Brede of lagere neusbrug
Smalle of vierkante kin
Dunne lippen, omlaag gerichte hoeken
Hoog gehemelte
Breed ruimte tussen tanden of ontbrekende tanden

Belangrijkste Criteria

 Groei ( > twee of meer van de volgende)
Gewicht is lager dan 5 percentile voor die leeftijd
Lengte is kleiner dan 5 percentile voor die leeftijd
Diameter (omtrek) van het hoofd kleiner dan 5 percentile voor die leeftijd
 Ontwikkeling ( >  of meer van de volgende)
Ontwikkeling achterstand of verstandelijke handicap, met spraak meer achtergebleven in vergelijk met beweging vaardigheden
Leer achterstand
 Gedrag ( > twee  of meer van de volgende)
Concentratie problemen en hyperactiviteit
Dwangmatig en Impulsieve gedragingen
Constant rond kijken en 
Zelf-verwondend gedrag
Extreme verlegenheid of terug getrokken
Autistisch-achtig gedrag

Secundaire Criteria

 Ledematen (> een of meer van de volgende)
Missende arm of onderarm
 Drie of meer van de volgende OF kleine handen en voeten EN/OF missende kootjes met twee of meer van het volgende:
Gebogen 5e vinger
Afwijkende palm crease
Dislocated elbow/abnormal elbow extension
Kort 1e kootje / proximaal geplaatste duim
eeltknobbel onder grote teen
Gedeeltelijke vergroeing tussen 2e en 3e tenen
Borst- of sternum misvorming
Heup dislocatie of dysplasie
 Neurosensory/Skin (three or more of the following)
Slijmerige ooglid (en)
Misvormd traankanaal of ontsteking van het ooglid
Flinke misvorming van oog of peripapillair
Doofheid of gehoorverlies
Epileptische aanvallen
Gevlekte huiduitstraling
Overmatig lichaamshaar
Kleine tepels en / of navel
 Other major systems (three or more of the following)
Maagdarm misvorming / malrotatie
Diafragmatische breuk
Gastro-oesofageale reflux
Gehemelte spleet of submucous gespleten gehemelte
Gespleten verhemelte of submucous gespleten verhemelte
Abnormaal geplaatste opening van urethra op penis
Niet ingedaalde teelballen
Nier- of urineweg misvorming

3e Checklist met Diagnose Criteria, zonder banner panel

  Positieve CdLS mutatie bij moleculaire gen-test; OF
  Gezichts kenmerken en vastgestelde criteria bij minstens twee belangrijke categorien (groei, ontwikkeling of gedrag); OF
  Gezichts kenmerken en vastgestelde criteria bij tenminste één belangrijke categorie EN twee overige categorie (Majeur en Mineur)


De wenkbrauwen lopen door boven de neus; en drie of meer van de volgende:
Lange wimpers
Korte neus, gedraaide neusgaten
Lange, opvallend gebied tussen bovenlip en neus
Brede of lagere neusbrug
Smalle of vierkante kin
Dunne lippen, omlaag gerichte hoeken
Hoog gehemelte
Breed ruimte tussen tanden of ontbrekende tanden

Belangrijkste Criteria

 Groei ( > twee of meer van de volgende)
Gewicht is lager dan 5 percentile voor die leeftijd
Lengte is kleiner dan 5 percentile voor die leeftijd
Diameter (omtrek) van het hoofd kleiner dan 5 percentile voor die leeftijd
 Ontwikkeling ( >  of meer van de volgende)
Ontwikkeling achterstand of verstandelijke handicap, met spraak meer achtergebleven in vergelijk met beweging vaardigheden
Leer achterstand
 Gedrag ( > twee  of meer van de volgende)
Concentratie problemen en hyperactiviteit
Dwangmatig en Impulsieve gedragingen
Constant rond kijken en 
Zelf-verwondend gedrag
Extreme verlegenheid of terug getrokken
Autistisch-achtig gedrag

Secundaire Criteria

 Ledematen (> een of meer van de volgende)
Missende arm of onderarm
 Drie of meer van de volgende OF kleine handen en voeten EN/OF missende kootjes met twee of meer van het volgende:
Gebogen 5e vinger
Afwijkende palm crease
Dislocated elbow/abnormal elbow extension
Kort 1e kootje / proximaal geplaatste duim
eeltknobbel onder grote teen
Gedeeltelijke vergroeing tussen 2e en 3e tenen
Borst- of sternum misvorming
Heup dislocatie of dysplasie
 Neurosensory/Skin (three or more of the following)
Slijmerige ooglid (en)
Misvormd traankanaal of ontsteking van het ooglid
Flinke misvorming van oog of peripapillair
Doofheid of gehoorverlies
Epileptische aanvallen
Gevlekte huiduitstraling
Overmatig lichaamshaar
Kleine tepels en / of navel
 Other major systems (three or more of the following)
Maagdarm misvorming / malrotatie
Diafragmatische breuk
Gastro-oesofageale reflux
Gehemelte spleet of submucous gespleten gehemelte
Gespleten verhemelte of submucous gespleten verhemelte
Abnormaal geplaatste opening van urethra op penis
Niet ingedaalde teelballen
Nier- of urineweg misvorming
notificationsApplicationsPreferencesNotifications Applications PreferencesNotificationsDisplay the preferences of the current user about notification applications.Current Wiki
supportGroupContactInfoContact Information for supportgroupsupportgroupThis macro will present Contact Information of a supportgroupGlobal
navBarForBlognavBarForBlogBlogThis macro can be used in description of a blog. It will use the available space to add a NavBar with optionally a search optionGlobal
showConversionButtonAdd Conversion buttonCore SoftwareMacro will set array of object that will cause a display of button in the menu-barGlobal
blogpostcreateBlog Post CreateThe Blog Post Create macro is used to insert a post creation form. The macro takes a blog descriptor document as parameter. The new blog posts will belongs to the blog specified in the parameter.Current Wiki
blogpostlistBlog post listThe BlogPostMacro is used to search and display blog posts based on some parameters, the results can be displayed using customizable templates.Current Wiki
instructionProfileButtonsinstructionProfileButtonsinstructionsThis macro is used in instructions to show the profileBarGlobal
overviewGroupEventsoverviewGroupEventsEventsThis macro will show a overview of events organized by a supportgroup
You need to pass a parameter with the code of the group
deeplTranslationDeepL TranslationdevelopmentAdd a link ir onder to translate a specific content using DeepL.Current Wiki
addNavigationButtonAdd a ?  button to page header Core SoftwareMacro will set array of object that will cause a display of button in the page headerGlobal
decoratedTiledecoratedTilenavigationA decorated tile with header and text from a page specified. You can make it clickable so it can serve as a navigation PanelGlobal
iconClassnameConfigure the classname for the usericonThis macro configures the classname for use with the icon bitmap. The only parameter is gender (male/female)Current Wiki
showMetaTopicsshowMetaTopicspage contentShow the 'Topics' assigned to this page, allowing the user to read more 'alike' pagesGlobal


2.0 HTML

In XWiki Syntax 2.1 HTML or XHTML must be entered by using the HTML macro.

XWiki Syntax 2.1Result
{{html}}<abbr title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</abbr>{{/html}} HTML


2.0 Scripts

FeatureXWiki Syntax 2.1
Velocity script
#set ($var = "whatever")
Groovy script
def var = "whatever"

Over de website-inhoud

Alle informatie die u hier vindt is ter informatie, geen medisch advies! De plaats voor het vinden van specifieke medische adviezen, diagnoses en de behandeling is uw arts. Gebruik van deze site is strikt op eigen risico. Als u vind dat iets onjuist is, verduidelijking behoeft, verbeterd kan worden, doe dan mee, meld uzelf aan op onze website en stel een verbetering voor. Mocht U dit liever per email doen dan kan dat ook!

Stuur een email: vereniging@cdlsworld.org