Emoticon Macro




Download this xar bundle and import it into your main xwiki with programming rights.

Example Usage:

Hello There! {{emo face="glasses"/}}


Hello There! :glasses:


NameMandatoryDefault ValueDescription
faceYesNoneType / size of the emoticon. Should be of the form face="name|size".
Allowed sizes are small (default) medium and big.

Available faces:

{{emo face="surprise|big"/}}:surprise:
{{emo face="angel|big"/}}:angel:
{{emo face="smile|big"/}}:smile:
{{emo face="glasses|big"/}}:glasses:
{{emo face="grin|big"/}}:grin:
{{emo face="kiss|big"/}}:kiss:
{{emo face="lol|big"/}}:lol:
{{emo face="wink|big"/}}:wink:
{{emo face="monkey|big"/}}:monkey:
{{emo face="devilish|big"/}}:devilish:
{{emo face="sad|big"/}}:sad:
{{emo face="crying|big"/}}:crying:
{{emo face="plain|big"/}}:plain:


Visit Emoticon Macro page for the latest emo macro version / documentation. Also check-out my macro collection for several other macros. You can email me at asiri dot rathnayake at gmail dot com if you need further assistance.

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