WaihonaPedia support page

Health list items, overview of lists

WaihonaPedia is a platform to be flexible en readable by many nationalities.

In many of our apps you will find selection lists, see the current lists below.
This means a list can easily be extended with items that might not be recognized in a first version.

Select the list, or the list-Item you would like to see.

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Medication types

Medications are available in many different (brand-)names. When we want to explain to somebody in another country (like on the Emergency Care Card) which medication is used we want to add functional label and description

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key Group title Delete
med002 med treating mental health conditions (like behavior problems)
med003 med Cardiovascular drugs (Heart and Blood circulation)
med004 med Gastrointestinal Medications
med005 med Medications for enough new blood cells
med006 med Medication for the skin
med007 med Genitals Medications and sex Hormones
med008 med hormonal preparations
med009 med Anti-infectives
med010 med Chemotherapy or Immunotherapy
med011 med The muscle-bone system
med012 med Antiparasitic drugs
med013 med Respiratory system (Breathing and oxygen intake)
med014 med Processing of Sensory information
med015 med Various
med016 med Alternative medicine
medPain med Pain medications