
What does this mean for our family?

How parents deal with the initial shock is very personal. You may feel powerless and sad because your child is different from what you expected. Some parents prefer to be alone, while others want to talk about it, and still, others want to know everything there is to know about the syndrome.

Impact on your relationship
A child with a disability can bring you closer together as parents. You share the disappointment and the grief. You feel responsible for your child and each other. There may be additional stress in your relationship because it can be difficult to support one another.
Siblings may handle a variety of emotions. They may feel sadness or fear and sense the tension felt by the parents. It is helpful to explain what is going on appropriately for the siblings' ages. Try to do this as soon as you think it is correct. Preferably don't say the child is 'sick' because sick children get better. Young children can also associate "sick" with when they aren't feeling well and are afraid of "catching" what their sibling has.

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