
In WaihonaPedia anyone on the internet could register as a USER.
Once this is done the patient groups would run the risk that these are People (or Robot's) that are considered as "not-wanted".
This is the reason for the so-called "approval" process where each user needs to be validated as part of the patient group community (Family, Friend, Expert, Education, Care-taker etcetera)

Once this is done the USER is APPROVED and can participate in the WaihonaPedia 

Om indholdet af hjemmesiden

Alle oplysninger på dette websted er udelukkende til undervisningsformål. Det er din læge, der er det rette sted at få specifik medicinsk rådgivning, diagnoser og behandling. Brug af dette websted sker udelukkende på eget ansvar. Hvis du finder noget, som du mener, der skal rettes eller præciseres, bedes du give os besked på: 

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