Account Information

In WaihonaPedia we build trusted communities. People you can trust.
In order to be able to check if we can trust someone we ask everybody to tell us who they are.
We check the Name, Email, Gender, Country and Language and ask the respective communities to validate if they know you.

When that validation is done we approve your acoount information.
It contains;

  • First name (required)
  • Last name (required)
  • e-mail (required)
  • gender (required, we understand in days of gender neutrality we must be carefull with it, but we need it when you talk about your child we (and your community) understands who the parent or sibling is; mother, father, sister or brother)
  • Country (required)
  • Language (required)
  • Your photo (optional)
  • Address and other contact info (optional, only recommended for people that want to show this information for support like e.g. doctors, contact parents. The info will then be available to people that do not (yet) login, but need support )


The above information, not the other parts of your account, may become visible on the Internet.
Think about that risk, what does it mean to you?
If you are afraid of it, please reconsider your registration. You can ask us to remove your registration details at any time.

Why is it necessary for us to be able to show this information to the Internet?
In our (and hopefully yours) mission, we believe that information should be reliable and verifiable!
Anonymous information is less compatible with that! We also believe that citing sources is important.

So, if you participate and for example share an experience, an opinion or refer to reliable knowledge, we think it is important that visitors can see who is responsible for that information. We do that by showing the author through a name and a picture. If visitors click on this name they can read the information above.

Why do we need to be able to show this information to the internet
Understand that if you register this information is hidden from the internet as much as possible. But we hope you will contribute and share information imortant to people with Cornelia de Lange syndroom. Then it is important we can show people on the internet that it is written by people the can trust.

Will we ask you to show this information
Yes, sort of. When you help your community by contributing to some information we will ask you, upfront, if you want to share this information on the internet.
We will not keep a record of each individual piece of information you contribute, so please read our privacy statement and our statement about 'openess'. 

About the website contents

All of the information on this WebSite is for education purposes only. The place to get specific medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment is your doctor. Use of this site is strictly at your own risk. If you find something that you think needs correction or clarification, please let us know at: 

Send a email: