Introduction for the federation

CdlS World has been founded in 2001 in occasion of the first International CdLS Conference and currently it's members support families in algerien , argentinien , australien , belgien , brasilien , deutschland , dänemark , finnland , frankreich , irland , israel , italien , kolumbien , lblflagcanada , malaysia , neuseeland , niederlande , norwegen , philippinen , polen , portugal , schweden , schweiz , singapur , spanien , vereinigte staaten , vereinigtes königreich , österreich  and is maintaining contact with single  families in many more countries. We welcome groups that would like to join the federation. 

CdLS World; what do we do?

  1. From all over the world the Experts who know most about CdLS and a specific topic have formed a international Scientific Advise Committee (SAC). We make sure the SAC is informed about needs of the families and caretakers, so they can publish relevant news, present on conferences and answer questions in our Ask the Expert service;
  2. To act as a forum of best practice for support group services for people with CdLS, including organizing an International Conference every two years;
  3. to act as a resource base for the wider families of people affected by CdLS throughout the world for both research and for families.  

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