

Beginning on Tuesday join medical experts and researchers in gene-specific workshops to discuss specific challenges that your loved one may be facing. On Wednesday and Thursday, pre-conference workshops are available that address the special needs of specific segments of our CdLS community.

During Conference learn from world-renowned experts in the fields of genetics, gastrointestinal (GI) challenges, and behavioral health. You will have the ability to ask questions and receive answers in real-time. 

See and hear from Board Members, volunteers, staff, and other families. 

Attendees can watch workshops from the comfort of their own homes. Interact with presenters and participate in polls and surveys.

Sobre o conteúdo do sítio web

Toda a informação contida neste WebSite é apenas para fins educativos. O local para obter aconselhamento médico específico, diagnósticos e tratamento é o seu médico. A utilização deste site é estritamente por sua conta e risco. Se encontrar algo que considere necessário corrigir ou esclarecer, por favor informe-nos em: 

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