
The Family Conference

The Family ConferenceThe family conference is a packed conference programme where
families can learn of the latest developments and strategies for working
with people affected by CdLS and hear of health treatments long
before the information becomes published.
Many of the professionels will be on hand to hold individual private
consultations with families to help assess issues affecting the persons
with CdLS. All main sessions will be in english and we are looking
for, but can’t promise, having simultaneous translation for up to three
languages for which there are 10 or more families attending.
Meantime we are planning a series of trips out suitable for all ages for
the siblings and young people attending the conference. And in the
evenings there are plenty of fun for all the family at our planned social

Childcare will be avaiable during the family conference.
You are also invited to participate in a reception at the Copenhagen
City Hall Thursday afternoon.

Thursday July 28 (evening) to Sunday July 31 (breakfast)

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