Pagina di supporto di WaihonaPedia


This macro can create a citation slide show.
It will allow you to create a slider with images and enrich it with 'citations' of your community

The macro is developped to add a citation layer to a campaign but can also be used standalone

  • If used standalone you need to specify a pagename for the slider (based on XWiki Caroussel Application) and a pagename for a nested page that will contain the citations of your users. 
  • if used from a campaign page it will look for the content of two properties; citations (pagename for the nested page containing the citations) and citationSliderPage

Currently the Macro will Create the above pages based on your input...
If the pages exist irt will show some links to manually do the magic (requires a guide)

Future extension of this Macro
When the pages above exist the macro will allow users of your community to add slides with a image yo the slideshow and a Citation

  {{createCitationsStructure/}} ## when used on a campaign page

 {{createCitationsStructure citations='pageReference' citationSliderPage='pageReference'/}} ## when used standalone

Cosa dicono gli altri...

Le persone sono più propense a partecipare al tuo evento quando hai 'amici' o persone 'famose' che raccomandano il tuo evento con una citazione. Aggiungili alla tua campagna

Aggiungere una nuova citazione

condivise da Condividi la tua storia e leggi la nostra! Foto Actions
Gerritjan Koekkoek With this card we feel more secure that people are able to give the right care to Rai rai1.png

Cosa dicono gli altri...

About the website contents

All of the information on this WebSite is for education purposes only. The place to get specific medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment is your doctor. Use of this site is strictly at your own risk. If you find something that you think needs correction or clarification, please let us know at: 

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