Página de soporte de WaihonaPedia


This page does not have a object of WaihonaCode.healthListItemClass !. This probably means you are looking at the sheet that display's pages of healthListItemClass)

WaihonaPedia is a platform to be flexible en readable by many nationalities.

In many of our apps you will find selection lists, see the current lists below.
This means a list can easily be extended with items that might not be recognized in a first version.

Select the list, or the list-Item you would like to see.

  • It will do this by showing a link-button to the Parent List element (if it is structured) or else the index page of HLI items related to this HLI-item
  • Below it will show the label and the description and the HLI-Item
    • If you want you can see all the properties of the HLI-Item
  • Below these properties it will show a list of sub-HLI-Items (if registered for this HLI-Item already, note: Only create sub-HLI-Items if applicable for the type of HLI-Items)
    • Above this list it will offer a button to add new sub-HLI-Item 
    • Each row in the list will have a EDIT and DELETE option

Sobre el contenido del sitio web

Toda la información contenida en este sitio web tiene únicamente fines educativos. El lugar para obtener consejos médicos específicos, diagnósticos y tratamientos es su médico. El uso de este sitio es estrictamente bajo su propio riesgo. Si encuentra algo que cree que necesita ser corregido o aclarado, por favor háganoslo saber en: 

Envíe un correo electrónico: info@cdlsWorld.org