Presentation Skin


Check out this Presentation about XWiki as web development platform to see this skin in action.


To use this Presentation Skin, follow these steps:

  1. Create a document with some content such as for example:
    = XWiki =

    A collaborative development platform runtime based on the wiki paradigm

    (% style="font-size: 70%;" %)
    Vincent Massol
    October 2011

    === Agenda ===

    * What is XWiki?
    * Development Capabilities
    * Why use XWiki?
    * QA

    === Slide 1 ===

    This is a paragraph on slide 1

    (% class="build" %)
    * item 1
    * item 2

    === Slide 2 ===

    Hello world!


    === Slide 3 ===



    === Slide 4 ===

    {{code language="java"}}
    // Find all sections and create one <article> per section
    def xdom =
    xdom.getBlocks(new ClassBlockMatcher(
      HeaderBlock.class), Block.Axes.DESCENDANT).each()
  2. Attach an Object of type Presentation.PresentationClass
  3. Click the "Run the presentation" button!

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