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Body odor and bloody diaper


My daughter recently developed extreme body odor similar to that of a sweaty adult and blood in her diaper. Could these be related or due to precocious puberty? What follow up is recommended? We are scheduled to see an endocrinologist.

Réponse de nos experts

First of all, there are several metabolic conditions (conditions caused by an abnormality in one of the hundreds of body enzymes producing specific symptoms in the individual) that can produce an odor like sweaty feet. These can be screened for by a test on urine called organic acids and a blood test called plasma amino acids. These tests are most effective when the odor is present, or if the child is ill. Just because someone has CdLS, it does not necessarily mean that they couldn't have something else. Metabolic conditions can be quite severe, with seizures and neurologic problems, but there can be partial defects in which the symptoms arenot so severe, and an unusual odor could be a tip-off.

Regarding the blood in the diaper, I cannot tie that in with either the odor or the CdLS. I would make sure you bring the blood to the doctor to have it tested to make sure it is blood (probably already did this). There are a number of potential causes of blood in the diaper: blood from urine (urinary tract infection, kidney infection, diseases of the kidney that also have other findings in the urine and body), blood from bowel (fissures or cracks in the rectal area, internal fissures, hemorrhoids, infections, other bowel diseases often presenting with diarrhea, etc.) or blood from the female genital tract (very unlikely at such a young age). I would not attribute this to precocious puberty unless there is also lots of pubic hair and other pubertal changes. Still, if some of this has already been worked up by your doctor, then a referral to endocrinology is reasonable.

TK 7-13-10

La réponse est vérifiée et valide pour


Douleur et comportement

La douleur pouvant facilement passer inaperçue chez un enfant atteint de SCdL, tous les prestataires de soins doivent connaître les différentes manifestations et les sources possibles de la douleur. Des outils spécifiques pour évaluer la douleur sont recommandés.


    • Les personnes atteintes du SCDL peuvent-elles avoir des enfants ?
R20 : Une éducation sexuelle adaptée au niveau de compréhension doit être proposée, et la gestion de la contraception doit suivre la norme locale pour la population générale.
R21 : L'hystérectomie est indiquée en cas de saignement anormalement abondant lors des menstruations et ne répondant pas au traitement médical.

Avis juridiquer

Veuillez noter que le service Demandez à l'expert est composé de professionnels bénévoles dans divers domaines d'intérêt. Les réponses ne sont pas considérées comme une consultation médicale, comportementale ou éducative. Demandez à l'expert ne remplace pas les soins et l'attention que peut fournir le médecin, le psychologue, le conseiller pédagogique ou le travailleur social de votre enfant.

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