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Growth hormone effectiveness


Does CdLS present any medical issues that impact the effectiveness or appropriateness of growth hormone?

Antwoord van onze experts

To my knowledge, CdLS should not present any specific medical issue that might alter the potential effects of growth hormone. In the medical literature, individuals with other syndromes with small stature that began prenatally (as CdLS usually does) and without growth hormone deficiency do not respond too well to growth hormone treatment. Growth velocity is increased during treatment, but final adult height is not necessarily improved. Because of this we have not been recommending growth hormone therapy in CdLS and probably will not unless a formal study demonstrates long-term effectiveness. In addition, the psychological benefits or drawbacks should be studied for the families and the individual

TK 7-13-10

Antwoord is gecontroleerd en geldig voor


Groei tijdens de kindertijd

De groei van ieder kind met CdLS dient bewaakt te worden met gebruik van CdLS-specifieke groeicurves.

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