Pergunte ao perito


Possible Residual Problems


Any preventative measures, tests or treatment available to ensure that scar tissue in the abdomen following a burst appendix six years ago will not lead to a bowel obstruction?

Resposta dos nossos peritos

I don't know of any prevention. I think the only thing one can do is to be aware of this history when there are any abdominal symptoms. Adhesions do occur and do cause problems in some instances, but should be successfully treated when diagnosed. Diagnosis is easiest if the caregivers are aware of this possibility and use the proper diagnostic tests ("imaging," primarily, I would think).

LJ/TK 7-13-10

A resposta é verificada e válida para
Encontrar outras páginas que partilhem o mesmo tópico que esta página Malrotation; the intestines (or viscera) are twisted7 Malrotation; the intestines (or viscera) are twisted4


Malrotation; the intestines (or viscera) are twisted

Presentation of any abdominal symptoms in an individual with CdLS, irrespective of age, should prompt consideration of intestinal malrotation.
Evaluation for the presence of intestinal malrotation needs to be discussed and decided together with the family, balancing the potential gain in health and burden for the individual with CdLS.

Relatação legal

Por favor note que o Pergunte ao perito service/ é composto por profissionais voluntários em várias áreas de foco. As respostas não são consideradas uma consulta médica, comportamental, ou educacional. Perguntar ao Perito não substitui os cuidados e atenção que o médico pessoal, psicólogo, consultor educacional, ou assistente social do seu filho pode prestar.

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